Today’s Agenda 10/30 Tomorrow’s Halloween Lesson One result of the growth of American business and industry in the early 1900s: child labor Finish vocab
Copy the following terms into your notebooks (skip 3 lines between each): Corporation Stock Dividend Monopoly Trust Free enterprise system Vertical integration patent Bessemer process Sherman Anti-Trust Act Mass production Moving assembly line Sweatshop Collective bargaining
Effects of the Growth of Business and Industry 1. The rich get richer American business and business leaders (Carnegie, Rockefeller, etc…) make millions
2. American workers don’t share in the wealth – Long hours, low pay, dangerous conditions – Child labor becomes a major problem – Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire exemplifies the greed of owners and the plight of the worker
3. Labor Unions begin to form and gain power – Goal: better wages, safer conditions, shorter hours – How does a labor union protect workers? – How does management respond?