GRAINS Intro to FoodsMs. Stokes
To complete the following module please turn in the following artifacts: Review and discuss notes. Take quiz and turn in to Ms. Stokes Native American agriculture. Explain this to Mr. Biggers in a summary paper. Minimum of one page. Turn completed project by google drive in to Ms. Stokes. RESOURCE: Native American Ag. Give a reflection of your recipe lab. Must be half a page.
What is “Grain”? Most of you have eaten cereal. Cereal is another name for Grain. Where does grain come from?
Grain Kernels Three Parts Bran: This is the hard outer coat. It Protects the inner parts of the seed. Bran contains most of the kernel’s fiber.
Part Two: Endosperm Endosperm: Largest Part of the seed. It Contains many tiny pieces of starch called granules. Starch supplies energy. If the seed sprouts the new plant gets the energy. If you eat the seed before it sprouts YOU get the energy. Provides protein also.
Part Three: Germ Germ: Smallest part of the seed/kernel. New plants sprouts from the germ. Germ contains most of the seed’s nutrients. It is rich in protein, minerals, vitamins, and fat. Example: wheat germ
Whole grain foods: Cereal foods that contain all three parts of the kernel provide the most nutrients. Why is this important for your health?
Types of Grains Most popular in the USA are wheat, corn, rice, oats, barley and rye.
Flour All wheat kernels ground into a fine powder is called flour. Whole wheat flour: made by using the Whole kernel White flour: made by only grinding up the endosperm.
Rice Brown Rice: whole rice kernel contains more nutrients and fiber than other types of rice. Polished rice: just the endosperm. Long grain rice: light and fluffy when it is cooked. Short and medium grain rice: sticks together when cooked
Shaky Chicken Questions (turn in when finished) Compose a two paragraph overview of the article. Answer in the first paragraph who, what, when, where and why. In the second paragraph extend your answers from the first paragraph. Choose one or two of the who, what, when, where, why questions/answers.
Cherry Crumble 1 ½ C Flour 1 ½ C Oats 1 C brown sugar 1 t baking powder 1 stick margarine 1 can cherries Crumble together the first 5 ingredients with hands. Place crumble in the bottom of the pan leaving one cup for the top. Layer cherries add cup of reserve on top. Bake for 20 mins at 350 degrees.