How to Lead a Safe and Effective Workday Laurel Malvitz-Draper April 10 th, 2011
Activity: Recall a workday you attended or a volunteer situation you were in What made the experience good, bad or indifferent? What went well? What would have made your experience better? “Why People Volunteer” “How Do We Recognize and Thank People?”
Leadership at a workday Prioritize work Be social Answer questions Respect, engage volunteers More leading than working Reevaluate, regroup, rally Not sure about something? When in doubt – golden rule
Activity: What are the most important aspects of a volunteer stewardship workday? How can you help facilitate these things as the workday leader?
There are certain standards and goals that need to be met at each workday. BUT, there are MANY different ways to reach the goals and meet these standards! That’s up to you!
Overview Before the Workday—get organized! Leading the Workday—stewardship on the ground After the Workday—follow up and paperwork
Before the Workday Make a Plan: get maps, data and priorities from staff and visit the worksite if needed
Before the Workday Do Your Homework! Brush up on garlic mustard (dr, bc) ID and other information Watch Garlic Mustard videoGarlic Mustard video Know closest hospital and how to get there Know how to instruct emergency vehicles to your location Know potential site safety concerns and locations
Before the workday Plan for the size of your group and their abilities Plan how to accomplish the established goals Brainstorm backup plans in case things change
Before the workday: Materials Equipment Sign in sheets/waivers Maps/treatment forms Nametags Pens/markers Emergency guide Sunscreen & bug repellant Fact sheets/brochures Snacks? Tools – diggers, GPS unit Garbage bags First aid kit Water Gloves Cell phone Camera?
Leading a workday: getting started Arrive ½ hour early Have volunteers sign in as they arrive (back side too) Do introductions and nametags Lay out the schedule and logistics Be seed-free! Any questions?
Leading a workday: getting started Workday objectives task how-to and purpose Tool use, safety, tracking Safety Briefing review potential worksite hazards, how to avoid, show in field Questions?
Leading the workday: workday in progress Assign tasks at site Monitor for safe work behavior Correct plant identification Answer questions Handle difficult volunteers directly Document volunteer efforts with photos Use break time (formal or informal) to reconnect with volunteers, answer questions and educate
Leading the workday: wrapping things up Watch the time! Gather people and tools, return to meeting area Make sure no injuries, late arrivals Return tools, gloves Thank you and announce next workday Acknowledge progress for the day, count bags Take more photos!
After the workday: records and touching base Dispose of garlic mustard in dumpster Return and clean tools and equipment Fill out Stewardship Treatment Record and treatment forms Tally waivers and time (rounded) Touch base with Laurel – goals accomplished, workday evaluation, future work locations, etc. Send photos and paperwork to Laurel
Review Be prepared for your volunteers and their abilities Golden rule – treat others how you want to be treated! Be flexible, have back up plans Follow up your workdays with reporting
Thank you for leading workdays this year! Laurel Malvitz-Draper Natural Resource Steward DNR State Park Stewardship Unit Office: Work cell: Home:
Thank you Great Lakes, Great Times, Great Outdoors