A ganglion cyst is a tumor or swelling on top of a joint or the covering of a tendon, and it looks like a sac filled with fluid.
* Ganglion cysts usually occur in women and people ages These cysts occur on the back of the wrist 60-70% of the time causing wrist pain.
* The most likely theory involves a flaw in the joint capsule or tendon sheath that allows the joint tissue to bulge out.
* Aspiration usually includes placing a needle into the cyst, drawing the liquid material out, injecting a steroid compound (anti- inflammatory), and then splinting your wrist to keep it from moving.
* Surgical removal of the cyst is needed when the mass is painful, interferes with function (especially when your dominant hand is involved), or causes numbness or tingling of the hand or fingers.
* If you have the surgery removal than you have to keep it in a splint afterwards for days. Then after that they usually follow up with supervised wrist movement.