Welcome to First Grade! Mrs. Dana Baryiewski Willow Grove
Communication Write a note. Call (908) ext. 804 (voic only) –Please jot me a note to let me know you left a message. Stop by before or after school –Sign in at the office first Check you child's HW folder for notes from me and the office.
Grade Level Website Classroom Website
Technology SMART Board FM System Classroom computers –Waterford: Reading –Waterford Math and Science
Essential Learnings Online –An overview of the curricula including objectives & proficiencies What your child should be able to do by the end of Grade 1 Includes: –Subjects: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health –Specials: Physical Education, World Language, Visual & Performing Arts, Technology
Language Arts Guided Reading –Flexible, small group instruction with leveled textleveled text Literacy Stations (during Guided Reading) Individual or small group work to reinforce and practice skills –WaterfordWaterford –making words, reading, books on tape, projects, etc. Whole Group –Daily reading from big books, Read Alouds, text book: Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin
Language Arts Writing –6 + 1 Writing Traits6 + 1 Writing Traits Vocabulary –Reading for meaning (not spelling) –Tests on Fridays –Homework assigned on Monday for the week.
Math Go Math! –Model and practice –Small groups –Hands-on –Manipulatives Homework –Will send home book –Please return next day Little Wizards –Basic Facts 1 to 12 Addition Subtraction Earn a bracelet by getting 100% correct in 5 minutes
Homework 1.Incentive Reading Program aka: Take Home Book/ Book in Bag: Daily Reading Assignment –Will begin in October –Monday-Thursday –Please listen to your child read daily. 2. Math Gathering data from home Reinforces skills taught in school. 3. Language Arts Vocabulary
Classroom Community: Responsive Classroom Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting –Greeting, Share Time, Group Activity, News & Announcements Hopes & Dreams Classroom Rules Proactive Discipline –You break it, you fix it –Chill Out Chair –Loss of Privilege
Tigers Clubs Free 3:00-3:45 Tiger Texts, Drama Club, Math Look for flyers in Homework Folders starting end of October
Volunteers Sign up sheets.
Communication Write a note. Call (908) ext. 804 (voic only) –Please jot me a note to let me know you left a message. Stop by before or after school –Sign in at the office first Check you child's HW folder for notes from me and the office.
Thank you for coming!