CCA LSS Support Slides1 Draft 5000.02 The Defense Acquisition Management Framework. Post Implementation Review (PIR) Capability Needs Satisfaction & Benefits.


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Presentation transcript:

CCA LSS Support Slides1 Draft The Defense Acquisition Management Framework. Post Implementation Review (PIR) Capability Needs Satisfaction & Benefits Analysis PIR

CCA LSS Support Slides2 Draft Requirements and Acquisition Process Flow. ICD Initial Capabilities Document MDD Materiel Development Decision AoA Analysis of Alternatives DAB Defense Acquisition Board CDD Capability Design Document CPD Capability Production Document EMDD Engineering and Manufacturing Development and Demonstration

CCA LSS Support Slides3 Developing, Delivering and Verifying Capability Capability Based Analysis Establishes Need and MOEs that Define Need Fulfillment DOTLPF Plan and Execute Change of Processes and Culture Develop System Requirements, Acquire System and conduct OT&E on Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) Post Implementation Review (PIR) Assesses Outcome Of Investment By Measuring MOEs ABC MDD FRPD IOC FOC PIR CBA

CCA LSS Support Slides4 CCA in the JCIDS & Acquisition Management Systems 12. PIR FCB ICD CDD CPD IOC MS C/FSDDMS BMS A JROC MDA CCA MDA CCA Update MDA CCA JROC MDA 1. Core Function Need to be Performed by Gov 2. Outcome-based Performance Measures 3. BPR 4. No Private or Gov better 5. AoA 6. EA 7. Acquisition Measures 8. GIG 9. IA Strategy 10. Modular 11. Registration DOT&E Concept Decision FOC 12. PIR Plan Capability Based Assessment Concept Refinement Technology Development System Development & Demonstration Production & Deployment Operations & Support Analyze SelectControl Evaluate Concept Development

CCA LSS Support Slides5 2. Facilitates development of measures of effectiveness (MOEs) 1. Provides fundamental tasks and measures required for CBA 3. Output is needed capabilities and their associated tasks, attributes & standards (MOEs) 4. Identifies functional area metrics and identifies MOEs 5. Core function need to be performed by government 6. Summary of FAA/FNA Includes MOEs 7. Change Management Analysis & Benchmarking 8. No private or other government organization better performs function 9. May satisfy as AIS AoA 10. Initiates non- materiel Change Management Project 11. Reports MOEs but no Change Management Project 12. IT Architecture will contain MOEs & MOE measures 13. PIR Informs JCIDS Process CPDPIRD CCA Elements in the JCIDS CBA Process

CCA LSS Support Slides6 ICD MS AMS B CPD DT&E OT&E MS C TEMP FOT&E PIR Plan Platform Readiness Assessments CC Exercise results User Satisfaction Surveys Annual CFO Report Input Mission Readiness Assessments ROI Computation War Games PIR SEP Integration & Test Contract IOCFOC FCB/Sponsor PIR Build CDD FCB: Functional Capabilities Board ICD: Initial Capabilities Document CDD: Capability Development Document CPD: Capability Production Document MOE: Measure of Effectiveness MOEs PIR in the Defense Acquisition Lifecycle

CCA LSS Support Slides7 Requirements and Acquisition Process Depiction with PIR Feedback Loop PIR

CCA LSS Support Slides8 FCB: Functional Capabilities Board ICD: Initial Capabilities Document CDD: Capability Development Document CPD: Capability Production Document DT&E: Development Test OT&E: Operational Test PIR: Post-implementation Review PIR ICD CPD DT&E TEMP PIR Plan Integration & Test TEMP SEP Contract FCB/PSA Build CDD MOEs CBA OT&E Verification of Solution Verification of Business Need Problem Space Solution Space Life Cycle of a DoD Business Need