A look to the past for the future- The North American Profile Sharon Shin Metadata Coordinator Federal Geographic Data Committee.


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Presentation transcript:

A look to the past for the future- The North American Profile Sharon Shin Metadata Coordinator Federal Geographic Data Committee

The Past - FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata  Information Exchange Forum on Spatial Metadata- June 16-18,  Executive Order 12906, 1994 EO 13286, 2003 EO 13286, 2003  Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata Version , Version

The Future: Regional, national, & organizational profiles ANZLIC Profile North American Profile EO Profile European Profile Perfil Latinoamericano de Metadata NATO Profile ISO19115:2003 Geographic Information - Metadata State Profile Navigation Profile

North American Profile of ISO Metadata North American Profile of ISO Metadata Co-located Meetings Parallel Development MOU between Canada and the USA

What is the NAP  Community profile of ISO Geospatial Information – Metadata  Addresses metadata for geographic products.  Negotiated content between the ANSI and CGSB representatives.  Format: Profile with “best practices” and simplified diagrams for training, UML in annex

Multi-level metadata Data Series - wetlands Data Series - wetlands Dataset - Paducah wetlands Dataset - Paducah wetlands Feature Type - marsh Feature Type - marsh Feature Instance - Mandy’s Marsh Feature Instance - Mandy’s Marsh Attribute Type - salinity Attribute Type - salinity Attribute Instance - actual % water salinity Attribute Instance - actual % water salinity NAP Metadata: Implications –Good News

ISO Metadata: Core Elements Dataset title Spatial representation type Dataset reference date Reference system Dataset responsible party Lineage statement Geographic location On-line resource Dataset language Metadata file identifier Dataset character set Metadata standard name Dataset topic category Metadata standard version Spatial resolution Metadata language Abstract Metadata character set Distribution format Metadata point of contact Additional extent info (vert / temp) Metadata date stamp mandatory

NAP: Essential Metadata  Requires reviewing the entire standard to determine what is minimal metadata for each user.  Metadata Record Information – 7 mandatory  Identification Information- 3 mandatory All optional with the number of mandatory attributes/subclasses: Data Quality 1 Data Quality 1 Maintenance Info 1 Maintenance Info 1 Descriptive Keywords 1 Descriptive Keywords 1 Resource Constraints 0 +1 Resource Constraints 0 +1 Aggregate Info 1 Aggregate Info 1 Spatial Representation Info Spatial Representation Info Reference System Info 1 Reference System Info 1 Content Info 2 or Content Info 2 or Distribution Info 2 +1 Distribution Info 2 +1

Data Quality   Attribute Consistency   Logistical Consistency   Completeness Report   Positional Accuracy   Lineage   Scope (M)   Report (C) Completeness Logical Consistency Positional Consistency Thematic Accuracy Temporal Accuracy   Lineage (C) CSDGM NAP

Maintenance Information Maintenance and Update Frequency (M) – code list Date of Next Update   User Defined Maintenance Frequency   Updated Scope   Update Scope Description   Maintenance Note   Contact – responsible party

Application Schema Supports description of associated: published data models published data models custom data models custom data models A vector map, with points, polylines and polygons. Filename extensionFilename extension.gml Filename extension Developed byOpen Geospatial Consortium Open Geospatial ConsortiumOpen Geospatial Consortium Type of formatGeographic Information System Geographic Information SystemGeographic Information System Extended fromXML XML

Service Metadata Supports description of associated: data distribution portals data distribution portals web mapping applications web mapping applications data collaboration networks data collaboration networks project websites project websites

The Future - Implementation

Lands Information Ontario Aggreement  FGDC, FGDC Metadata Working Group, Land Information Ontario FGDC Time period: 12 months, beginning May 1, 2008 Time period: 12 months, beginning May 1, 2008  Update materials, beginning May 1, 2008 and continuing to November 2009  Collaborative period between FGDC and LIO: July 01, 2008 – February 28, 2009 (in-kind contribution of 100 $300/day) July 01, 2008 – February 28, 2009 (in-kind contribution of 100 $300/day)  Activities: Development and verification of materials initiated by Land Information Ontario and the Federal Geographic Data Committee. Development and verification of materials initiated by Land Information Ontario and the Federal Geographic Data Committee.

Graphic Representation

 format based upon ISO (xml) vs (uml)  hyperlinked and printable doc Graphical Representation

Implementation Guide  Guidance beyond best practices in NAP.  Assists metadata creators

NAP Training Modules

NAP Guidance Documents

Tools  FGDC sponsored ISO metadata editor review. URL: groups-subcommittees/mwg/ URL: groups-subcommittees/mwg/  Validation tool ?  CSDGM to ISO Conversion tool Intergraph Intergraph Shareware Shareware

Contact Sharon Shin- Metadata Coordinator Lynda Wayne-

Crosswalk FGDC nameISO nameComment Identification Information (Section 1) MD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_Identification 1.1 CitationMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_Identification.citation 1.2 Description---Compound element, unnecessary mapping AbstractMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_Identification.abstract PurposeMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_Identification.purpose Supplemental InformationMD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.suppl ementalInformation 4.1 Horizontal Coordinate System Definition ---Compound element, no mapping necessary GeographicMD_Metadata.referenceSystemInfo.MD_ReferenceSystem.ref erenceSystemIdentifier.RS_Identifier.code ( = FGDC Geographic) Latitude ResolutionNO MATCH Longitude ResolutionNO MATCH Geographic Coordinate Units NO MATCH Planar---Compound element, no mapping necessary Dialup InstructionsDeprecate 6.5 Custom Order Process 7.7 Metadata Time ConventionDeprecate Address TypeDeprecate

Modified UML

ISO Validation NAP Validator

Fewer mandatory elements Fewer mandatory elements Fixed domains and code lists in place of free text to control vocabulary and improve discovery Fixed domains and code lists in place of free text to control vocabulary and improve discovery More optional elements More optional elements Increased use of modular content Increased use of modular content NAP Metadata: Content- Domains and Conditionality extentcitations time period responsible party contactaddress online resourceand more…

International elements International elements Data / Metadata Language PT Locale- to record other languages used in the metadata Lacking elements Lacking elements ISO Topic Category – 19 standardized subject categories to facilitate data discovery NAP Metadata: New (non-CSDGM) Content