Report of Disbursement of 26 Million Funding Check in 2014 Division Check No. Funding Check Amount Disbursements as of July 25, 2014 Balance Isabela City 363961 1,371,781.06 - Dapitan City 363960 983,655.44 880,000.00 103,655.44 Dipolog City 363956 856,312.78 Pagadian City 363957 1,036,708.86 957,819.78 78,889.08 Zamboanga City 363958 3,926,622.05 1,253,142.87 2,673,479.18 Zambo. del Sur 363959 4,344,343.50 1,037,095.26 3,307,248.24 Zambo. del Norte 363955 4,789,400.93 3,313,792.18 1,475,608.75 Zambo. Sibugay 363954 3,930,867.34 3,920,000.00 10,867.34 Regional Office 161,354.03 Common Fund 5,350,261.50 TOTAL 26,751,307.50 12,894,985.18 13,856,322.31 MALCOLM S. GARMA, CESO V Director III OIC, Office of the Regional Director
Consolidated Financial Reports CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As of June 30, 2014 PROVIDENT FUND (3-08-602) ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash on Hand 295,227.72 Cash in Bank - Local Currency 39,280,658.31 Total-Cash and Cash Equivalents 39,575,886.03 Receivables Loans Receivable- Others 134,671,979.93 Interest Receivables 12,611,822.18 Inter-Agency Receivables 20,000.00 Intra-Agency Receivables 672,918.01 Total-Receivables 147,976,720.12 Property, Plant And Equipment Machinery and Equipment 297,040.61 Furniture, Fixtures and Books 7,605.00 Total-Property, Plant And Equipment 304,645.61 Other Assets Advances 422,745.00 Total-Other Assets TOTAL - ASSETS 188,279,996.76 MALCOLM S. GARMA, CESO V Director III OIC, Office of the Regional Director
Consolidated Financial Reports LIABILITIES Financial Liabilities Payables 11,146.68 Total-Financial Liabilities Inter-Agency Payables 65,348.31 Total-Inter-Agency Payables Intra-Agency Payables 703,016.17 Total-Intra-Agency Payables Other Payables 66,180.04 Total-Other Payables TOTAL - LIABILITIES 845,691.20 EQUITY Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit) Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)- Beginning Balance 157,421,363.12 Revenue and Expense Summary 30,012,942.44 Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)-Ending Balance 187,434,305.56 TOTAL - EQUITY MALCOLM S. GARMA, CESO V Director III OIC, Office of the Regional Director
Consolidated Financial Reports CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT For the period January 01, 2014 to June 30, 2014 PROVIDENT FUND (3-08-602) INCOME Service And Business Income Interest Income 3,965,139.41 Other Business Income 26,751,307.50 TOTAL - INCOME 30,716,446.91 EXPENSES Personal Services 645,823.76 Maint. and Other Operating Expenses 50,622.37 Non-Cash Expenses 7,058.34 TOTAL - EXPENSES 703,504.47 NET INCOME / (LOSS) 30,012,942.44 MALCOLM S. GARMA, CESO V Director III OIC, Office of the Regional Director
Consolidated Status of Funds as of June 30, 2014 Allotment Received 132,551,627.62 Collections 421,695,111.14 Total Funds 554,246,738.76 Less: Disbursements Loans 497,609,102.08 Others 17,061,750.65 Total Disbursements 514,670,852.73 Total Funds Available for Loan 39,575,886.03 MALCOLM S. GARMA, CESO V Director III OIC, Office of the Regional Director