The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp, Rembrandt Autopsy of the Gunpowder Empires
Autopsy Inspection and dissection of a body after death, as for determination of the cause of death; postmortem examination.
One feature of this unit is the decline and fall of the Gunpowder Empires. You will do the autopsy on one. In your “Medical Examiner’s Notes” you’ll explain on the various “causes of death” of your “individual.” Outline one of your partners on the paper. Name the individual on the poster (be creative). What weakened the individual? What led to their demise? Internal and external characteristics. Is there a connection between our three subjects? Address each of the 5 WHAP themes as appropriate.
Examples (note the modesty)
Safavids Basic Stats: –Set in modern day Iran –Existed from
Environment Geography: Persia/Iran Lost at the Battle of Chaldiran –This is significant because it set their borders and stuck them in the middle –Lost because they did not have the same light artillery of the Ottomans (AKA Gunpowder) Shah Abbas uses the advice of Sherley (Englishman) to model military after the west.
Culture Religion: Shia Islam Named after Sufi leader Safi al-din Set by Ismail Followed by Qizilbash (giving leader divine right) –Perhaps led to a resistance to new technology because leader was infallible Mosques built at Isfahan –Fine at first, but expensive building projects drain the government. Jizya (head tax) on non-Muslims Tahmasp reduces taxes on Shia, banned non-Shia music, and used Shia spies and propaganda Abbas chooses politics over religion by making an alliance with Christians (he "preferred the dust from the shoe soles of the lowest Christian to the highest Ottoman personage."
Politics Founded by Ismail ( ) –Declared himself Shah Capital-Isfahan Military was aristocratic (got land for service) –Over time, military leaders want to “retire” on their land (not as motivated) Use of slave infantry (ghazni or Russian) – Abbas made them musketeers Constant invasion from Ottomans and Uzbeks Arguments over succession with each ruler –Abbas killed any descendent who even appeared to be a threat)
Economic Trade was highly encouraged Led to a blended culture Focused more on Silk Road than sea –British gained control of western Indian Sea trade which cut off access for Safavids Rulers maintained a lavish lifestyle even as money ran out. Merchants made land deals with ulamma (sometimes losing their land…)
Social Meritocracy in some sense because military gained land and status through their effort Women were subordinate Hierarchy with shah at the top, religious leaders, military, and craftsmen/farmers at the bottom