5/25/2016Indices and Price Analyses Unit 1 The Household Expenditure Survey (HES) Presented by: The Indices and Price Analyses Unit Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN)
5/25/2016Indices and Price Analyses Unit 2 HES The main purpose of the HES is to provide the items and the relative expenditures used to calculate the weights for the CPI ‘basket’ of consumer goods and services purchased by households The current CPI ‘basket’ is based on HES Field work for this survey began in June 2004 and ended March 2005 Extended to cover 10 months to capture seasonality & the resumption of a normal period of spending after Hurricane Ivan-September 2004
HES The classification used for items in the HES was CPC version 1.0 modified for Jamaica As the HES was used to compile the ‘basket’ of consumer goods and services used in the CPI a four digit COICOP code was utilized as the prefix for all items to provide the structure for the CPI. Hence, items in the CPI have a 12 digit code – the first four digits COICOP and the remaining 8 are CPC.
HES DATA COLLECTION The Diary method was utilized Three visits were made to the household –Visit 1 – Initialization to deliver the introductory package: letter of introduction, small notebook and a diary in which householders were asked to record purchases prior to the second visit –Visit 2 - Questionnaire A administered by the interviewer –Visit 3 – Questionnaire B was administered two weeks later
5/25/2016Indices and Price Analyses Unit 5 HES Cont’d. The sample size was 12,012 households It used a two-stage stratified random sample design: –the first stage involved the selection of strata or Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) – the second stage required the selection of a number of dwellings from each PSU. The HES utilized the identical sample design as that used for the Labour Force Survey (LFS).
HES SAMPLE DESIGN Cont’d. A specific number of dwellings were allocated to each Ed on a monthly basis to allow for the survey to be carried out over an extended period to capture seasonal trends. The dwellings sampled each month were deliberately spread across the PSUs to try and capture data from a variety of dwellings.
HES 2015 STATIN has started planning for HES 2015 However, the conduct of the exercise is subject to the availability of funds.
5/25/2016Indices and Price Analyses Unit 8