Welcome We hope you find this evening informative
Aims of the evening to help you understand the changes in the language being used What your child’s learning journey may look like How we can work together to support your child’s learning Recent Safeguarding information and support
Life without levels The New National Curriculum 2014 is taught in two year cycles There are 6 performance descriptors that tell you and us, how each child is performing against the age expectations. Milestone 1Milestone 2Milestone 3 Y1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6
How is your child doing? Performance Descriptors W hat is the meaning of the performance descriptors Below National Standard By the end of Years 1, 3, & 5 most children will achieve one of these statements Working towards National Standard National Standard 2 National Standard 1 By the end of Years 2, 4 & 6 most pupils will achieve National Standard. Pupils achieving above their year group may achieve this earlier Above National standardPupils achieving above their year group may achieve above National Standard MasteryPupils who are performing exceptionally well may achieve Mastery at the end of Years 2, 4, & 6 or possibly before
Target Setting Our aim is that every child has an aspirational target that together we can help them achieve. Expectations within the partnership SchoolHomePupils Track progress Maintain open discussion with all teachers Engage with parents Be honest and supportive with pupils To teach in a style and pace that suits the pupil Provide inspiring learning activities To set high expectations that pupils understand Celebrate achievement Look at the class Blog Communicate with the school as barriers arise Listen to your child and the school ; it is a partnership Support school activities and be as well informed as you can be Understand the values of the school and support them Celebrate achievement; your child’s, their class and the school Talk about your learning Talk to your teachers about any worries or difficulties share your learning at home always work hard and try new things Find things out for yourself and share Have high expectations of yourself and others celebrate yours and others successes
Safeguarding Prevent Duty- preventing radicalisation and extremism The school’s duty is to build Children's Resilience to Radicalisation. Schools should build pupils' resilience by providing a safe environment for asking questions, taking part in discussions on what is happening in the wider world and helping them to understand how they can have a voice and make decisions about their own actions. Schools promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils along with promoting fundamental British values. FGM is illegal in this country and it is illegal to take an under age girl out of the country for this event. Schools are required to report any information regarding this activity.
Four steps to keeping your children safe: Have ongoing conversations with your children about staying safe onlineconversations with your children Use safety tools on social networks and other online services, eg Facebook privacy settingssafety tools on social networks and other online services Decide if you want to use parental controls on your home internetparental controls on your home internet Understand devices and the parental control tools they offer in our Parents' Guide to TechnologyParents' Guide to Technology
SPOT THE SIGNS You may be in a position to identify and support someone who may be vulnerable to becoming involved in extremism or terrorism. See some of the signs here... Learn More WHAT IS PREVENT? Prevent aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism Learn More WHAT IS CHANNEL? Channel provides support across the country to those who may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism Learn More TRAVEL SAFELY Are you concerned about someone travelling to, or returning from, Syria or another conflict zone? Learn More SAFE GIVING Take a look at some of the simple tips when donating to make sure your money reaches those who need it most Learn More CONTACT For all contact information please click on the button below Click here
More sites that provide information and guidance You can also contact your local police force or dial 101 (the non-emergency number). They can talk to you in confidence about your concerns and help you gain access to support and advice.