Welcome Back! Sit where you were yesterday. Welcome Back! Happy Friday! (same seats as Wed. and Thurs.)
Calendar Friday, 8/8 Topic: Syllabus/ Welcome Letter Homework: PBIS letter signed (due Tues.) Welcome Letter signed (due Tues.) Get out Calendar (yellow planner) Pencil Highlighter To Do 1.Pick up paper from Pick-Up Table. Coming up Due Tues. PBIS Goal Letter Welcome Letter Due Wed. Materials
Curriculum How much do you like Science? Form a line based on how much you like Science.
Interactive Science Notebook (ISN) How much have you used notebooks before? Go to the corner that best fits how often you have used notebooks before.
Grades How much have you used the online grading system, Portal? Go to the corner that best describes how much you have used Portal.
Late Work/Absences How often do you get sick in a month? Line up based on how often you get sick.
Testing StandUp/HandUp/PairUp! How do you study for a test? Do you have any special or unique strategies that you like to do?
Parent Communication How many text messages do you send in a week? Line up based on how often you send text messages.
Materials Stand up, hand up, pair up What else do you think belongs in your pencil pouch besides the listed materials?
Rules & Consequences How many Rhodes Reinforcers have you gotten so far during these first three days of school? Form a line based on how many reinforcers you’ve received so far.