All Hail to SHAKYSHAKE!!!
ShakyShake is an innovative food truck. The first of its kind, ShakyShake took a vintage school bus and had it completely renovated into a miniature café, where you can order, eat and hang out from the inside. With ice cube seats that glow, upbeat music, and lit with bright colorful lights, you literally cannot miss it. ShakyShake offers unique fusion MilkShake that include flavored-shaved snow, macaroons and coming soon to our menu! ShakyShake offers over 12 flavors with different mixing like flavored shaved ice, jelly, bubble, flan, the combinations are endless. Our MilkShake Vendors Truck All Hail to SHAKYSHAKE!!!
Our Address & Logo: This is our Logo Vendors Location: North Virginia Head Quarter: #3980, Lake Dr., Fairfax City, Virginia, Zip Code: Business Opening in Jun 21th, 2015 Hour of operating: 11am to 3pm from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm in Weekend. Phone number: (703) All Hail to SHAKYSHAKE!!!
MILKSHAKE AND SHAVED ICE 'S FLAVORS EXTRA MIXINGS (Small: $4, Medium: $6, Large: $8) (+$1 for each) Strawberries Whip Cream Raspberries Bubbles Blueberries Fruits Jelly Pumpkin Flan Banana Coffee Jelly Yogurt Coffee Choco Powder Chocolate Oreo Green Tea Flavored Shaved ice Taro Peach Almond All Hail to SHAKYSHAKE!!!
Follow us on our website All Hail to SHAKYSHAKE!!!