Assessing Milk Supply Ways to tell whether a mother is making adequate milk for her infant
Goals and Objectives Identify the approximate capacity for a newborn’s stomach. Name 3 ways to assess the adequacy of breastmilk supply.
How much is enough? Scammons and Doyle Stomach capacity of newborn Day 1: 7cc/feed (1 tsp) Day 2: 13cc/feed (1 Tbs) Day 3: 27cc/feed (<1oz) Day 4: 46cc/feed (1.5oz) Older infants Stomach capacity is approx size of infant’s fist
Feeding Assessment Listen to the concern Ask questions Decide if intervention is needed
Examples How are you feeding the baby? How do you know when it’s time to feed the baby? When did the baby last feed? What about the time before that? Does he/she latch on right away or take some stimulation to wake up? When the baby latches on do you hear swallowing or see milk at the corner of the mouth? How long on each breast does the baby feed for? Is this different than he/she previous fed? How many wet diapers has he/she had in the last 24hrs? Is this a change from normal?
Concerning Answers Less than 8 feeds/24hrs Poor knowledge of hunger cues Frequent stimulation to wake up and feed No audible swallowing Change in feeds from baseline Decreased number of wet diapers
Weight Gain Most accurate sign of supply Normal to lose up to 10% of BW Most regain BW by 2 weeks 20-30g/day on average Growth charts
Urine Output Diaper count Beware the super absorbent diaper! Pattern more important than numbers Hospital setting Strict I&Os Approx 1cc/kg/hr
Stool Output Huge variation Large range of patterns Once per feed to one every 3-4 days Reasons to refer: Hard stools Blood in stool Black, white or green stools Thin, watery stools
Hydration Status General appearance Mucous membranes Tears Skin tenting Fontanelle Vital Signs
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