The T.I.G.E.R. Initiative Phase II - Facilitating collaboration among participating organizations to achieve the TIGER vision October 9, 2007 HIT STANDARDS & INTEROPERABILITY COLLABORATIVE
Page 2 Health IT Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Collaborative Agenda Welcome and Introductions Review –TIGER Purpose and Vision –Review S&I Collaborative Vision and Scope Identify Workgroups, Workgroup Leaders and Members Discuss S&I Work Group Processes / Schedules Discuss Work Group Considerations Next Steps –Presentation: National Health IT Standards and Interoperability Initiatives
Page 3 Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform The focus of the TIGER Initiative is to better prepare our nursing workforce (all practicing nurses and nursing students) to use technology and informatics to improve the delivery of patient care. We believe that necessary skills for nurses’ portfolio in 2007 includes computer literacy and information literacy. The TIGER Initiative is a program; not an organization. TIGER has been a grass-roots effort to engage with all stakeholders that are committed to a common “vision” of ideal EHR-enabled nursing practice. Today, more than 70 diverse organizations have joined this effort.
Page 4 Allow informatics tools, principles, theories and practices to be used by nurses to make healthcare safer, effective, efficient, patient-centered, timely and equitable Interweave enabling technologies transparently into nursing practice and education, making information technology the stethoscope for the 21st century TIGER Vision
Page 5 All nurses will understand the importance of Health IT standards and interoperability on the delivery of safe, effective, efficient and patient centered care All nurses will understand how to become engaged in Health IT standards adoption efforts to insure the nursing voice is represented and included Health IT Standards and Interoperability Collaborative Vision
Page 6 Scope includes relevant nursing and patient care related standards setting efforts –Categories of standards may include: Terminology Information Model Information Interchange –Health IT Standards Domains may include: Nursing Clinical Specialties (Lab, Radiology, Medications) Patient Information (Demographics, Allergies, Diagnosis) –Out of scope Standards of Practice Technology and Infrastructure Security and Privacy Health IT Standards and Interoperability Collaborative Scope
Page 7 Standards and Interoperability Collaborative Work Group Membership Work Group 1 Catalogue and Inventory Work Group 2 Tutorials Work Group 3 Awareness Campaigns Work Group 4 Identify Examples Christel Anderson Donna DuLong Valerie Fong Karen Greenwood Karen Grigsby Elizabeth Halley Joyce Sensmeier Brian Stever Pat Hinton Walker Christel Anderson Jane Brokel Donna DuLong Nancy Fahey Valerie Fong Karen Greenwood Elizabeth Halley Melita Howell Myrna Mamaril Joyce Sensmeier Pat Hinton Walker Christel Anderson Donna DuLong Karen Greenwood Karen Grigsby Cheryl Hager Elizabeth Halley Cyndie Lundberg Ginny Meadows Joyce Sensmeier Cindy Struk Pat Hinton Walker Christel Anderson Donna DuLong Karen Greenwood Elizabeth Halley Melita Howell Angela Lewis Cyndie Lundberg Myrna Mamaril Ginny Meadows Joyce Sensmeier Kathleen Smith Brian Stever Pat Hinton Walker
Page 8 Measurable Outcomes of Each Collaborative 1.Definition, Scope of Project 2.An inventory and analysis of existing resources Publications Research Subject matter experts Ongoing Projects 3.Identification and access to subject matter experts and constituent targets 4.Educational web-based audio conferences (target = 2) 5.Conference presentations 6.A comprehensive white paper-type document (modeled after TIGER Summary Report) 7.Define topic-specific evaluation criteria 8.Submit articles for publication and dissemination amongst broader TIGER audience 9.Chapter in the 4 th Edition of the Nursing Informatics Series Where Caring and Technology Meet
Page 9 Standards and Interoperability Collaborative Work Group Considerations and Next Steps Setting the Scope Identifying Lead/Colead Defining the Outcomes Developing the Meeting/Milestone Schedule Reporting to the Collaborative (monthly) Measurable Outcomes Completed Next Steps –Schedule Presentation: National Health IT Standards and Interoperability Initiatives
Page 10 Team Communication Website workgroup preference to facilitators: