Flowers come in many colors. That way, bees and birds can see them. They want to fly to the flowers. Birds and bees get seeds from flowers. Then they let the seeds fall in other places. Soon, these seeds grow into new flowers. The new flowers will be in many colors, too.
Why do flowers come in may colors?
How do seeds get to other places?
How will the new flowers look?
Pigs are very clean animals. But many people don’t think so. They see pigs sitting or sleeping on wet ground. Pigs do this on hot days. It makes them feel good. The wet ground keeps pigs’ coats from getting too hot. Pigs like to be cleaned with water. And they like to have people do things for them.
What animal does this story tell mostly about?
When is gets hot, where do pigs like to sit?
Do pigs like people? What in the story told you that?
Some people can’t see very well. Glasses help them to see better. Here is how eyes work. Light comes into our eyes. The light makes a picture. It is this picture that we see. But for some people, the picture is not very good. So they get glasses. The light and the glasses help the eye make a good picture.
What do some people need to help them see better?
What comes into our eyes to help us see pictures?
Do people know they need glasses? What in the story made you say that?
Farmers grow food for us to eat. Some farmers raise animals. They take care of cows, chickens, and pigs. Farmers feed the animals. They milk the cows. They gather eggs from the chickens. Many farmers also grow plants. They get the soil ready. Then they plant seeds. Some plants are grown to feed animals. Other plants become food for people.
What would be a good title for this story?
What animals do some farmers take care of?
Do farmers help us? What in the story made you answer that way?
In summer, it is easy for birds to find food. There are many bugs and seeds to eat. But in winter, finding food is harder. It is cold. Sometimes snow is on the ground. The birds are hungry. You can help them. You can buy special seeds for birds. Put the seeds in a box. Then hang the box on a tree branch. Go indoors and wait. Soon you will see birds. They will come to eat the seeds.
What are some things birds eat?
Why is it hard for birds to find food in the winter?
What are the steps to helping birds?
Elephants and cats do not look alike. But they are alike in one way. Happy cats make a sound. We call the sound a purr. A kitten may purr when you hold it. Elephants purr, too. They sound like great big cats. Elephants purr when they cannot see one another. Their friends can hear where they are. The purr says, “Everything is fine.”
What do elephants and cats do that is alike ?
What does purr mean?
Can elephants say words? What does the sentence, “The purr says, ‘Everything is fine’.” mean?