THE CONTENT Influences on Behaviour Theories of Human Behaviour Human Behaviour and care values
INFLUENCES ON BEHAVIOUR Influences ~ should be able to define and describe… Early socialisation Social roles Social class Gender Ethnicity / culture Disability Economic status Separation Bereavement and loss Unfair discrimination Violence and bullying Explain how these influences may result in the following effects ~ remember to use real life examples from a health and social care context
INFLUENCES ON BEHAVIOUR Effects ~ should be able to explain and use real life examples from health care setting… Early low self esteem Negative self concept Stress and inability to cope Depression Negative thinking Relationship breakdown Marginalisation and social exclusion Labelling and stereotyping Addiction
THEORIES OF HUMAN BEHAVIOUR Behavioural Cognitive Psychodynamic Humanistic
THEORIES OF HUMAN BEHAVIOUR Behavioural ~ describe… Positive and negative reinforcement Modelling and vicarious reinforcement Conditioning Behaviour modification Family therapy Techniques ~ describe and discuss strengths and limitations (apply to example, e.g. child brushing teeth) Token economy Social skills training
THEORIES OF HUMAN BEHAVIOUR Cognitive ~ describe… Information processing Schemas Functional and dysfunctional beliefs Explain CBT use with depression and anxiety ~ strengths and weaknesses Apply approach to example, e.g. 2 people in stressful situation may respond differently
THEORIES OF HUMAN BEHAVIOUR Humanistic ~ describe… Self actualisation Organismic self Conditions of worth Unconditional positive regard Congruence and incongruence Locus of control Explain how person centred counselling can treat low self esteem ~ strengths and weaknesses Apply approach to example e.g. social worker making a vulnerable person feel at ease
THEORIES OF HUMAN BEHAVIOUR Psychodynamic ~ describe… Conscious and unconscious Internal working model Attachment Explain transactional analysis approach to treat relationship problems ~ strengths and weaknesses Apply approach to example e.g. difficult to trust in close relationship
HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND CARE VALUES How health care practitioners carry out their work based on our current knowledge and understanding of human behaviour How value of care affects attitudes and practice How it affects strategies of support