Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, June 23, 2013
The Book of Proverbs Chapter 7 The Adulteress’ Seductive Tactics!
IV. A Concluding Appeal: Sin leads to death!
Vs. 24 Doubly emphasizing the importance of the intake of Bible Doctrine through GAP, in every generation.
Rather than listening to the flattering and enticing “words” from the Seductress, metabolize the teaching of God’s Word. Because if you do not, there will be dire consequences.
Vs. 25 In vs. 21 NATAH was the enticement to enter into sin, while here SATAH is taking the exit ramp towards sin.
“Her ways”, stands for dark deceptions; restless, irrational, and unrestrained lust; infidelity to her husband; tyranny against society; insults to God and the true worship of God, and calloused indifference to the youth’s fate.
The thing that exits the highway is your heart, the place where you store, retain and apply God’s Word.
In Prov 5:19 we are to wander all over our right woman / man, yet to wander into sin and the cosmic system leads to death.
Since behavior reveals what is, or is not, in the heart, vs. 7, the heart must be guarded and kept at all times, Prov 4:23.
We should not turn our hearts towards sin and Satan’s cosmic system, in our imaginations or fantasies, and certainly not go near them mentally, verbally or physically.
Successful resistance is not a matter of willpower, but of submission and obedience to God’s Word and His plan for your life.
Vs “For” The introduction of the third party – Satan. God the Father in vs. 6 God the Son in vs. 19
“Victims”, CHALAL, חָלָל, “Slain or pierced.” A technical military term for “pierced” in battle, though it can be used for anyone murdered or executed.
“Many” and “Numerous” She has been victorious over many in number and many in strength.
Satan can bring down both the strong and the weak, the mature and immature believer, if you let him!
“All her slain” KOL HARAG, used especially after a battle. So we see the defeat of the reversionistic believer in the spiritual warfare of the Angelic Conflict.
The only defense is to learn well what the teacher is teaching, Prov 7:1-5, 24.
Vs. 27 The Final Consequence.
Rather than following “The Way” of Christ, Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 24:14, 22, this believer follows the counterfeit way of sin, human good and evil found inside of Satan’s cosmic system.
“Sheol” - שְׁאוֹל “Death, the grave”, and a specific compartment inside the earth where both believers and unbelievers went, Gen 37:35; Job 7:9; Ezek 31:15, 17; 32:27, until the resurrection of our Lord.
Prov 15:24, “The path of life leads upward for the wise that he may keep away from Sheol below.” Cf. Prov 5:3-6
Gemser says: “Her bedroom is no ballroom, but a battlefield where corpses lie about and from where many are sent to the Netherworld, (Prov 2:18f; 5:5; 9:18).”
Prov 9:18, “But he does not know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of Sheol”
This chapter explained and warned against wandering lost in her ways, since her house is a house of death, not of life. Her (Satan’s) promised “love” is an invitation to a bed in the grave. Cf. Prov 2:18f.
Grace Offering Ex 23:19, “You shall bring the choice first fruits of your soil into the house of the LORD your God.”
Grace Fellowship Church Sunday June 23, 2013 Tape # Proverbs Chapter 7 The Final Exhortation, Sin Leads to Death Prov 7:24-27; 5:3-6; 9:18; 15:24 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2013