2/4 Objective: Students will understand and analyze the meaning of various proverbs used in Things Fall Apart through small group discussion and presentations. Agenda:ACT practice, proverb and folktale discussion, exit ticket.
Paragraph on foil How does Achebe use Okonkwo’s father as a foil of Okonkwo to point out his characteristics? foil, in literature, a character who is presented as a contrast to a second character so as to point to or show some aspect or quality of the second character.
Heading on your paper Get out your paragraph about “An Image of Africa”. Name Date Assignment
Reminders/Upcoming events Make sure you bring your Springboard book to class. You will need it the rest of this week. Draft of Heart of Darkness essay due tomorrow. Revised draft due on Friday. Read chapters 1-3 in Things Fall Apart for Wednesday (3), Thursday (4). Any missing work from Heart of Darkness must be turned in by Monday, 2/11. Make sure each assignment is labeled and it is all stapled together.
Proverbs Proverb - a short saying, usually of unknown or ancient origin, that expresses some useful thought, commonplace truth, or moral lesson and is most often expressed in simple, homely language. Sometimes, it is allegorical or symbolic. A proverb is appealing because it is succinct and uses simple rhyme, irony, metaphor, and comparison or contrast.
Proverbs Write down these proverbs, and in a group of three or four write down what you think they mean. If a child washes his hands, he could eat with kings. When the moon is shining, the cripple becomes hungry for a walk. Since men have learned to shoot without missing, (the bird) has learned to fly without perching. A chick that will grow into a cock can be spotted the very day it hatches. The clan was like a lizard. If it lost its tail it soon grew another. I cannot live on the bank of a river and wash my hands with spittle. A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness.
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2/5 Students will continue to discuss and analyze various Ibo proverbs. Students will analyze, evaluate and provide feedback on the writing of a peer through peer editing their essays on Heart of Darkness. Agenda: Discuss proverbs (fill out chart on page 148 of Springboard). Peer editing
Peer Editing This is an opportunity for you to get some valuable feedback and suggestions. Make sure you choose someone that can provide quality feedback for your writing for you.
2/7 Objective: Through discussion, writing and drawing, students will analyze the cultural elements and setting in the first chapters of Things Fall Apart. Collect Essays Discuss cultural elements in chapters 1-3 of Things Fall Apart Character list Drawing of the compound
Plagiarism Discussion
Heart of Darkness Essay Highlight your thesis statement… Check to make sure you have a clear argument in your thesis statement.
Elements of Culture What do we know about the Ibo culture from chapters 1-3? Food Music Clothing (style) Traditions/Dance Religious belief/Marriage traditions Dialects/accents Personality traits Gender roles Hierarchy (power structure) Storytelling/Language Family structure Government structure/punishments Education
Character List Okonkwo: main character Okoye: money asker Ikemefuna: boy that was sent to Okonkwo from Mbayo Unoka: Okonkwo’s father Amalize the Cat: Wrestler that he fought Nwakibie: Powerful member of the clan Nwoye: Okonkwo’s first son Ogbuefi-Ezeugo: Elder of the village Agbala: Oracle, woman,
Chapters 1-3 -Choose one aspect of culture (gender roles, ceremony, value of ancestors) and explain how it functions in the Ibo culture Achebe presents. Use the information from chapters 1-3 to draw Okonkwo’s compound.
Elements of Culture Religion Location-geographical Traditions How a group represents themselves. Food Clothes Gender roles Social Status (how people are classified-heirarchy) Government Values Customs Holidays Music
Character List Make a list of characters from chapters 1-3. Okonkwo: main character Unoka: Okonkwo’s father Okoye: Okonkwo’s neighbor Nwakibie: wealthy man in the village, gives Okonkwo yam seeds Ogbuefi Ezeugo: village leader, announces war Oracle (Agbala): Represented by the priestess Ikemefuna: adopted responsibility from Mbaino Anasi: Okonkwo’s first wife Nwoye: Okonkwo’s oldest son
Drawing the Compound Use the information from chapters 1-3 to draw Okonkwo’s compound.