What is the purpose of education? A sample activity brought to you by #DLMOOC
Short free write (3 minutes) What should students learn in school? Why is this important?
Pair-Share (3 minutes) Turn to a neighbor and share your ideas
Questions (to consider while watching) Agreements: What aspects of what the speaker says do you agree with? Disagreements:Where do you disagree? Implications: How does our school align with why the speaker “loves education but hates schooling?”
Structured group conversation Round 1: First person describes where they agree with the video (1 minute or less). Next person has 15 seconds to paraphrase what person 1 says. Then 1 minute for their own answer.Continue to go around the circle. Round 2: Where do you disagree? Round 3: How does our school align with why the speaker “loves education but hates schooling?
Report out Questions and next steps o In the same small groups, create a poster to share with the whole group. o 3 key takeaways. Share out ideas with whole group
Whole group discussion Does our school encourage students to do work worth doing? How could we improve our school?
Extension Activity Looking at the themes that have emerged have students redesign a school from the group up. --What would this school look and feel like? --What would students be doing? Teachers? --Create an artifact from that new school