Welcome to QualityCore ® Professional Development
Module 10: Looking at Student Work (LASW)
Day 4, LASW1–2 Chalk Talk Reflecting on your personal action plan from our last workshop, add to the posters: One thing you’ve implemented that is going well. One thing you need help or support with. You may also make additional comments on others’ ideas.
Day 4, LASW1–3 Introductions Introduce yourself: Name, school, and course(s) you teach. Share one thing you have added to the posters during the Chalk Talk.
Day 4, LASW1–4 Establishing Norms Reflect on these questions: What norms or rules of conduct will allow each of us the opportunity to grow personally and professionally? How can we work together as an effective group?
Day 4, LASW1–5 Essential Question What does a rigorous and relevant high school classroom look, feel, and sound like?
Day 4, LASW1–6 Agenda and Goals Looking at Student Work (LASW) ~Participants will analyze student work for instructional implications Introduction to Scaffolding ~Participants will use strategies to encourage greater access to content while maintaining rigor Instructional Planning and Modifying Instruction ~Participants will modify instruction to incorporate QualityCore into their classrooms
Day 4, LASW1–7 Essential Question How can looking at student work help us understand what students know and improve our instruction?
Day 4, LASW1–8 Looking at Student Work Reflection Quick Write: What is the purpose of Looking at Student Work (LASW)?
Day 4, LASW1–9 An Aligned Instructional System ACT Course Standards Assessments Instruction Student Work
Day 4, LASW1–10 Benefits of LASW Looking at student work helps educators to: Learn about the effectiveness of their instruction. Better understand students’ learning. Develop more effective curricula. Find ways to help students do better work. Blythe, Allen, & Powell (2007) Looking Together at Student Work
Day 4, LASW1–11 Using Student Work in Instruction
Day 4, LASW1–12 Template to Examine Student Work The QualityCore process has the following goals: Determining the degree to which student work meets the criteria of high-quality work. Fostering collaboration among colleagues and reflection on the instructional process. Promoting consistency in evaluating student work.
Day 4, LASW1–13 Template to Examine Student Work The 5-steps in the process require educators to: Discuss/Evaluate the assignment’s place and purpose. Reach consensus on the attributes of high-quality work connected to the assignment. Sort student work. Examine student work. Focus on student work that does not meet high- quality criteria.
Day 4, LASW1–14 LASW In your small groups, prepare to present your results from the LASW process. Did most student meet expectations? What patterns or misconceptions did you notice? In general, what are the instructional implications? Identify general ways that the assignment could be modified for reteaching or differentiation.
Day 4, LASW1– Assessment/Exit Slip Respond to the following prompts: 3 things I learned from this session. 2 questions/issues that still remain for me. 1 next step for me.