Components : 0,5 kg poppy seed (1,1 lb) 25 dag chopped italian nuts (8,8 oz) 75 ml honey (0,132 pt) 15 dag sugar (5,28 oz) 1 cube of butter 5 g cinnamon (0,177 oz) 1 bag of Vanilla sugar 1 tea spoon Almond oil 25 dag Coconut (8,8 oz) 5 rolls
Makówki How to perform :
Makówki We put into the boiling water poppy seed, …
Makówki …delicacies…
Makówki …rolls, sugar and salt.
Makówki Than we cook it for about 20 minutes. Next we lay in bowl stratum of poppy seed, rolls, poppy seed and rolls.
Makówki On the top we lay stratum of coconut or almonds to garnish and we leave it to cool.
Taste best with compote of dried fruits. Enjoy your meal and Merry Christmas.
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