Presentation of TP2P activities to date, Calendar planning and implementation process TP2P
Opportunity for CSOs: To interact and network with their national, regional and European-level counterparts to create new partnerships to visit EU institutions, in order to familiarise themselves with EU structures, policy making process, programmes, policies and best practices. TP2P
P2P Online Consultation – input from CSOs requested by DG Near “Bottom-up approach” Input from NA, Progress report and previous events Common topics emerge as SMB or MB Discussion of SMB/SB topics with LAGs and confirmation of priorities Submission of planned P2P calendar to Brussels Endorsement by EUDs TP2P Priority Determination
TP2P Topic focus determined by: Follow up to regional events/priority themes Needs Assessments Progress Reports Online consultation results LAG consultations/focus group discussions FPA project events TP2P Topics – Areas of Focus
Examples of regional priority topics that have been based on regional events that have taken place/are planned: -Social Entrepreneurship -Fundamental Rights - Anti-discrimination/social inclusion (minorities, LGBTI, disability, Roma) -Roma (social inclusion, education, employment etc) -Migration/asylum seekers and human rights TP2P Topics – Regional Level
Main common topics that emerge from NAs and Progress reports: Anti-discrimination (Roma, Disability, LGBTI, minorities) Roma Anti-Corruption Violence Against Women/gender equality CSO inclusion in the EU Accession process TP2P Topics- Needs Assessments and Progress Reports
Common top topics for MB -Anti-Corruption -Access to education (vulnerable groups, Roma, minorities, disability etc) -Nature protection -Enforcement and protection of human rights Online consultation overview
-Cross border initiatives (BH, MK, MN, SR, KO) -Judiciary independence (AL, BH, SR, TR, KO) -Rural development/Sustainable Agriculture (AL, BH, MK, KO, SR, TR) -Renewable energy/energy efficiency (MN, SR, MK, KO, BH) -Youth employment (AL, MK, SR) -Waste management (AL, SR, KO) -Anti-Discrimination- people with disabilities (BiH, MN, KO, TR,) Online consultation-SMBs
Based on convergence of online consultation-needs assessments and progress reports MB events: anti-corruption, gender equality/violence against women, nature protection, access to education SMB events: overlapping topics in some countries. E.g. youth employment, anti-discrimination-disability, freedom of the media SB events: follow up events on anti- discrimination/social inclusion (Roma, LGBTI, Minorities, disabilities), violence against women. Additional topics from consultation/LAGs Recommendations for TP2P topics
Social Entrepreneurship: 3 MB events followed by 7 events at the national level (AL, BiH, MK, SR, TR) Fundamental Rights: 2 MB events + 1 SMB event + 3 SB events (TR, AL, MK, SR with 3 more events planned in MK and SR) Media Integrity and Freedom: 2 MB events + follow up events planned at the national levels Rural Development/Agriculture: 1 MB event followed by 1 SMB event Roma: 2 MB events with 3 info event follow up Anti-Corruption/transparency (1MB), CSOs and EU Accession (1MB + 1 MB planned), Access to education/culture/social inclusion (3SBs + more planned), events related to enabling environment and CSO visibility (1 MB + 4 SB + more planned) Main Topics Covered to Date
Social Entrepreneurship: 3 MB events “Chartering into the Future” and “Social Entrepreneurs: Have your Say” resulting in Strasbourg Declaration and Unlocking the Potential of Social Economy for EU Growth resulting in Rome Declaration Example of Strategic Approach
AL – conference on role of CSOs in developing SE with contribution to government policy BiH – cycle of 3 linked events to support SE in BiH: study visit, conference, partnership fair MK – workshop to contribute to government legislation + capacity building event for CSOs SR – Regional event resulting in Balkan Declaration on SE development in WB and T TR - Conference on models of SE for community development and social inclusion Follow up events
Fundamental Rights and Anti-Discrimination: 1 MB event “Fundamental Rights, Non-Discrimination of Minorities including LGBTI” Example of Strategic Approach
TR – 1 MB event “Anti-Discrimination and Equality on the way to the EU” – regional network strategy + 1 SB “Equal Access of Vulnerable Groups to Electoral Rights” – monitoring strategy MK – Study visit on Fundamental Rights + Training by ECHR on Freedoms + Conference on Equality Bodies AL – SMB event on Access to Rights and Services of Vulnerable Groups –networking in region for disability CSOs SR – CSOs and Social Service Delivery + EU legal Framework and Policies on Fundamental Rights Protection Follow Up
Open Government Partnership event – FPA regional event – to be followed by national events in MK, BiH Priority topic from NA “CSO participation in EU processes”: EESC WB Forum, EMI Civil Society Congress, SMB – Civil Society Voice Heard Priority Topic from Online consultation “Access to Education”: access to education for Roma Potential areas for TP2P “Series”
Roma – Roma Integration Award followed by info events. 1 event planned for Roma access to education in KO. Migration – regional event planned (not confirmed) bur urgent and hot topic in region Access to Education Violence Against Women Nature Protection (Climate Change) Areas still requiring some focus
CSO inclusion in EU integration and accession process Violence against women Roma Environment and climate change Albania- Progress Report and NA topics
Transparency of public funding Fight against corruption Anti-discrimination esp. Roma and LGBTI Freedom/independence of media Social policy/social dialogue Social inclusion Mental health and human rights Youth employment/entrepreneurship Bosnia- Progress report and NA topics
Inclusion of CS in decision-making via thematic/sectoral meetings Gender equality Anti-discrimination esp LGBTI, minorities Roma Kosovo- Progress report and NA topics
Anti-discrimination/Social inclusion (Roma, minorities, LGBTI) Fight against corruption social services Human rights of vulnerable groups Domestic violence-violence against women Roma freedom of expression/independence of media CSO engagement in the adoption of EU Acquis Communautaire. Macedonia- progress report and NA topics
Anti-Corruption Open government Freedom of expression/media Gender equality and women’s rights Roma (employment and healthcare) Migration and vulnerable groups Montenegro-Progress report and NA topics
Anti-discrimination (Roma, minorities, LGBTI, HIV/AIDs) Social inclusion (Roma, disability) Violence against women Freedom of expression/media Freedom of assembly Anti-corruption Migration Youth entrepreneurship Environment/Climate change Serbia- Progress report and NA topics
Anti-discrimination/Social inclusion (LGBTI, Roma- education, Disability-education, minorities) Freedom of expression/media Violence against women/gender equality Anti-corruption Migration and human rights Environment CSO participation in decision-making Constitutional process Turkey Progress report and NA topics