Presentation of TP2P activities to date, Calendar planning and implementation process TP2P.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation of TP2P activities to date, Calendar planning and implementation process TP2P

Opportunity for CSOs:  To interact and network with their national, regional and European-level counterparts  to create new partnerships  to visit EU institutions, in order to familiarise themselves with EU structures, policy making process, programmes, policies and best practices. TP2P

 P2P Online Consultation – input from CSOs requested by DG Near “Bottom-up approach”  Input from NA, Progress report and previous events  Common topics emerge as SMB or MB  Discussion of SMB/SB topics with LAGs and confirmation of priorities  Submission of planned P2P calendar to Brussels  Endorsement by EUDs TP2P Priority Determination

TP2P Topic focus determined by:  Follow up to regional events/priority themes  Needs Assessments  Progress Reports  Online consultation results  LAG consultations/focus group discussions  FPA project events TP2P Topics – Areas of Focus

 Examples of regional priority topics that have been based on regional events that have taken place/are planned: -Social Entrepreneurship -Fundamental Rights - Anti-discrimination/social inclusion (minorities, LGBTI, disability, Roma) -Roma (social inclusion, education, employment etc) -Migration/asylum seekers and human rights TP2P Topics – Regional Level

Main common topics that emerge from NAs and Progress reports:  Anti-discrimination (Roma, Disability, LGBTI, minorities)  Roma  Anti-Corruption  Violence Against Women/gender equality  CSO inclusion in the EU Accession process TP2P Topics- Needs Assessments and Progress Reports

 Common top topics for MB -Anti-Corruption -Access to education (vulnerable groups, Roma, minorities, disability etc) -Nature protection -Enforcement and protection of human rights Online consultation overview

-Cross border initiatives (BH, MK, MN, SR, KO) -Judiciary independence (AL, BH, SR, TR, KO) -Rural development/Sustainable Agriculture (AL, BH, MK, KO, SR, TR) -Renewable energy/energy efficiency (MN, SR, MK, KO, BH) -Youth employment (AL, MK, SR) -Waste management (AL, SR, KO) -Anti-Discrimination- people with disabilities (BiH, MN, KO, TR,) Online consultation-SMBs

Based on convergence of online consultation-needs assessments and progress reports  MB events: anti-corruption, gender equality/violence against women, nature protection, access to education  SMB events: overlapping topics in some countries. E.g. youth employment, anti-discrimination-disability, freedom of the media  SB events: follow up events on anti- discrimination/social inclusion (Roma, LGBTI, Minorities, disabilities), violence against women. Additional topics from consultation/LAGs Recommendations for TP2P topics

 Social Entrepreneurship: 3 MB events followed by 7 events at the national level (AL, BiH, MK, SR, TR)  Fundamental Rights: 2 MB events + 1 SMB event + 3 SB events (TR, AL, MK, SR with 3 more events planned in MK and SR)  Media Integrity and Freedom: 2 MB events + follow up events planned at the national levels  Rural Development/Agriculture: 1 MB event followed by 1 SMB event  Roma: 2 MB events with 3 info event follow up  Anti-Corruption/transparency (1MB), CSOs and EU Accession (1MB + 1 MB planned), Access to education/culture/social inclusion (3SBs + more planned), events related to enabling environment and CSO visibility (1 MB + 4 SB + more planned) Main Topics Covered to Date

 Social Entrepreneurship: 3 MB events “Chartering into the Future” and “Social Entrepreneurs: Have your Say” resulting in Strasbourg Declaration and Unlocking the Potential of Social Economy for EU Growth resulting in Rome Declaration Example of Strategic Approach

 AL – conference on role of CSOs in developing SE with contribution to government policy  BiH – cycle of 3 linked events to support SE in BiH: study visit, conference, partnership fair  MK – workshop to contribute to government legislation + capacity building event for CSOs  SR – Regional event resulting in Balkan Declaration on SE development in WB and T  TR - Conference on models of SE for community development and social inclusion Follow up events

 Fundamental Rights and Anti-Discrimination: 1 MB event “Fundamental Rights, Non-Discrimination of Minorities including LGBTI” Example of Strategic Approach

 TR – 1 MB event “Anti-Discrimination and Equality on the way to the EU” – regional network strategy + 1 SB “Equal Access of Vulnerable Groups to Electoral Rights” – monitoring strategy  MK – Study visit on Fundamental Rights + Training by ECHR on Freedoms + Conference on Equality Bodies  AL – SMB event on Access to Rights and Services of Vulnerable Groups –networking in region for disability CSOs  SR – CSOs and Social Service Delivery + EU legal Framework and Policies on Fundamental Rights Protection Follow Up

 Open Government Partnership event – FPA regional event – to be followed by national events in MK, BiH  Priority topic from NA “CSO participation in EU processes”: EESC WB Forum, EMI Civil Society Congress, SMB – Civil Society Voice Heard  Priority Topic from Online consultation “Access to Education”: access to education for Roma Potential areas for TP2P “Series”

 Roma – Roma Integration Award followed by info events. 1 event planned for Roma access to education in KO.  Migration – regional event planned (not confirmed) bur urgent and hot topic in region  Access to Education  Violence Against Women  Nature Protection (Climate Change) Areas still requiring some focus

 CSO inclusion in EU integration and accession process  Violence against women  Roma  Environment and climate change Albania- Progress Report and NA topics

 Transparency of public funding  Fight against corruption  Anti-discrimination esp. Roma and LGBTI  Freedom/independence of media  Social policy/social dialogue  Social inclusion  Mental health and human rights  Youth employment/entrepreneurship Bosnia- Progress report and NA topics

 Inclusion of CS in decision-making via thematic/sectoral meetings  Gender equality  Anti-discrimination esp LGBTI, minorities  Roma Kosovo- Progress report and NA topics

 Anti-discrimination/Social inclusion (Roma, minorities, LGBTI)  Fight against corruption social services  Human rights of vulnerable groups  Domestic violence-violence against women  Roma  freedom of expression/independence of media  CSO engagement in the adoption of EU Acquis Communautaire. Macedonia- progress report and NA topics

 Anti-Corruption  Open government  Freedom of expression/media  Gender equality and women’s rights  Roma (employment and healthcare)  Migration and vulnerable groups Montenegro-Progress report and NA topics

 Anti-discrimination (Roma, minorities, LGBTI, HIV/AIDs)  Social inclusion (Roma, disability)  Violence against women  Freedom of expression/media  Freedom of assembly  Anti-corruption  Migration  Youth entrepreneurship  Environment/Climate change Serbia- Progress report and NA topics

 Anti-discrimination/Social inclusion (LGBTI, Roma- education, Disability-education, minorities)  Freedom of expression/media  Violence against women/gender equality  Anti-corruption  Migration and human rights  Environment  CSO participation in decision-making  Constitutional process Turkey Progress report and NA topics