2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Poland Poland 2 Czech Slovakia & Hungary Czech Slovakia & Hungary 2 Balkans
True or False Poland is a multiethnic nation
What is a ghetto
An area of a city where minorities are forced to live
What is the major religion of Poland?
Roman Catholic
A majority of Poland is covered by the _________ __________ Plain
Northern European
this was a Polish trade union federation as well as the first non-Communist-controlled trade union in a Warsaw Pact countryPolishtrade union federationCommunistWarsaw Pact
The Holocaust resulted in the destruction of a majority of when religious/ethnic group of Poland?
What form of government controlled Poland between the late 1940 to 1989
Was unemployment higher or lower after Poland broke from Communism?
What was the Holocaust
When the Nazi’s slaughtered millions of civilians during WWII
True or False Iron ore is a valuable natural resource found in Poland?
The economy of the Czech republic is based ___________
What two countries were formed from the formed country of Czechoslovakia?
Czech Republic and Slovakia
What is the most serious problem facing the Czech Republic?
Pollution (air and water)
What land features dominate the landscape of the Czech Republic?
plateaus and mountains
What are collective farms
Farms owned by the government where the workers get a wage and a share of the profits
The economy of Slovakia is based on __________and __________
Farming and industry
True or False Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary share Western outlooks and ways
What physical feature in Hungary separates the broad plains of the east from the plateaus, hills and valleys in west
Danube River
The “Breadbasket of Europe” is found in which country?
True or False The people of Hungary are descendents from the Magyars
True or False The Balkans were once ruled by the Turks
True or False Since the end of Communist rule, the Balkans have experienced more peace than war
After WWII Yugoslavia was made into how many separate republics held together under communist rule
Which country, despite having fertile plains and mineral resources is impoverished (poor)
What is Balkanize?
to break up into small, mutually hostile political units