By: Joshua Edler
THE POLAND FLAG The flag is composed of two stripes a red and a white one. The white strip stands for peace and honesty The red strip stands for: hardiness, bravery, strength & valour
MAPS Poland seen from space
MAPS Poland seen from a map of Europe
The country of Poland The Capital city is Warsaw Poland's approximate Population is 38,038,00 It is currently ranked 35 th Just under Algeria and just above Uganda
LIFE EXPECTANCY Poland’s current ranking for life expectancy is 46 th with an average life of 76 years They fall right behind Panama and right above croatia
Poland is 96% roman catholic. Roman Catholicism became the main religion following world war 2 They believe in one God. Believe in sin, Believe in heaven and Hell. RELIGION
Polish is the main language of Poland This is the second largest population of Slavic speakers next to Russian Good morningDzień dobry Good night Dobranoc I love you Kocham Cię Call the police! Wezwij policję! (inf) Hello Cześć LANGUAGE
Some dates that are celebrated or remembered in Poland are 1.September 1 st –like our December 7 th that is the day Poland was invaded during WW2 2.November 11 th - independence Day…the day Poland was free 3.Majówka- is a spring festival celebrated throughout Europe HOLIDAYS
Ingredients in this recipe: 0.5 kg of strawberries or 0.5 kg of bilberries or blueberries sugar potato starch (optional) salt, a spoonful of oil for cooking pierogi pierogi dough (see our recipe) some stuff for decoration: sweetened cream or yoghurt, raw fruits, whipped cream or vanilla ice cream takes 2 h RECIPIES