Basic electrocardiograph and rheography.
Basic Principles of EKG Basic Principles of Electrophysiology Read a EKG tracing Normal EKG Pathology if any
Cellular Action Potential
Fig 1-10 Page 13
Cellular Basis of the EKG
Fig 4-8 Page 61 Cardiac Conduction System
Genesis of the EKG Tracing
Fig Pg 56
Fig Pg 64
Fig 4-6 Page 60
What are those “squigles”
EKG Nomenclature
You do need a patient
Leads for the EKG
Anatomical Correlation
Fig A Pg 58
Chest Electrode Placement
Bipolar Limb Leads
Unipolar (Augmented) Limb Leads
Augmented Limb Leads
Einthoven’s Triangle
Einthoven Axis
Cardiac Frontal Axis
Ringside Seats Do Matter
ECG Paper ECG paper is designed to move through the ECG machine at 25 mm per second. Each of the smallest boxes are l mm square making the darker lined boxes 5 mm square. Thus, at the usual rate of 25 mm/second flow of the paper through the machine, 5 large boxes pass through the machine per second or (5 x 60 seconds) 300 boxes per minute.ECG paper
Time Scale each l mm represents 0.04 seconds. The distance between the darker lined boxes in a horizontal direction represents 5 x 0.04 seconds or 0.2 seconds. Therefore, 25 small boxes (5 large boxes) pass through the machine every second. One large box (made up of 5 small boxes) equals 1/5 (0.20) second.
Voltage on the EKG Grid 0.5 mV 0.1 mV
“The Final Product”