By, Stephanie Cruz Exploring Our World Mr. Garcia
The Giant Panda used to roam southern and eastern China. But now, they live in isolated areas in the high mountains of Sichuan, and Gansu and Shaanxi provinces in western China. Their habitat is filled with bamboo and that is important as you will see in the next slide.
Pandas LOVE bamboo! 99% of a panda’s diet is bamboo. The other 1% is meat. They can consume 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo a day!
Pandas are chubby, black and white, with an infantile appearance because of its shortened muzzle. They also have large, black, fur eye patches. It can weigh up to 275 pounds.
The scientific name for the giant panda is Ailuropoda melanoeuca. There are only about 1,000 left, so they are endangered. The Chinese calls the panda “Big Bear Cat”. They climb trees, even at the age of one. The mom Giant Pandas are 900 times bigger than the baby. Finally, they can’t go without food for 5-6 hours and they sit or lie down when they eat.
Pandas Love Bamboo Super Cute And Friendly Pandas Are Chubby