1. Homonyms (this is the big category—the umbrella—under which we find homophones and homographs).
2. What’s the difference? Homophone HOMO ("same") + PHONE ("sound") Homograph HOMO ("same") + GRAPH ("writing")
3. What are Homographs? Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings and may have different pronunciations. EXAMPLES does and does He does like to run. Does are female deer. (Same spelling, different pronunciation.) What are some other examples?
4. More Examples of Homographs wind and wind I can feel the wind in my hair. Wind up the string before it gets tangled. (Same spelling, different pronunciation.) well and well Sam doesn't feel well today. Our neighbors are digging a new well. (Same spelling, same pronunciation.)
5-6. What are Homophones? Homophones are words that sound alike, but have different meanings and spellings. their and there hear and here to, too, and two Create a list of more homophones.
Homophones soresore sawsaw soarsoar 7. Homophones
rightright riterite writewrite Homophones 7. Homophones
I’llI’ll isleisle aisleaisle Homophones 7. Homophones
pourpour pawpaw porepore poorpoor Homophones 7. Homophones
soso sewsew sowsow Homophones 7. Homophones
toedtoed toadtoad towedtowed Homophones
wailwail walewale whalewhale Homophones
wearwear wareware wherewhere Homophones
wayway weighweigh wheywhey Homophones
heelheel he’llhe’ll healheal Homophones
byby buybuy byebye Homophones
aweawe oaroar oror oreore Homophones
They sound the same, let’s play the game! See if you can guess which word goes where. By Angie. Gore Norwood Primary Southport
8. Homophones saworsore? By A. Gore
8. Homophones knightornight? By A. Gore
8. Homophones saleorsail ? By A. Gore
8. Homophones toortwo ? By A. Gore From AB
8. Homophones hereor hear? By A. Gore
8. Homophones By A. Gore knightornight?
Homophones saworsore? By A. Gore
Homophones By A. Gore saleorsail ?
Homophones hereorhear ? By A. Gore The treasure is…
Homophones toortwo ? By A. Gore one + one =
9. Homophones Choose the correct homophone to complete the sentence. 1. The boat needed a new__________. sail sale 2. It was a dark___________________. knight night 3. I was very______________________. board bored
10. Spot the Homophones Last knight when I looked up, the sky was dark blew. I new I wood sea stars but eye was surprised buy there brightness. Who had maid them seam sew beautiful? I was shore they had bean made millions of years ago, and I was court up in they’re beauty. I wanted to stair at them four ever, butt my piece was disturbed. Nun of this would bee forgotten but I knew it was to grate to last.
11. Homophones Their &There Once upon a time _1____ were five children who lived with__2___ mother and father and __3___grandma and granddad in a funny little house. ___4__was no front garden but _5____was a yard at the back.___6__ was no bathroom so they had to have a bath in the back kitchen–and they could only do that at night time because that was where the gas stove was, and __7___ was always someone having a bath in the back kitchen.
12. Homophones Usage Examples of usage: Were – used like “was” Where – a question and a place Wear – used with an item of clothing We’re = we are Put the right word in the gap below: I can’t find my shoes, _1__ are they? They are so ugly, I can’t believe you __2__ them. ____3 going to the cinema, do you want to come? I don’t know, we __4_ going to, but I’m not sure. _5__ did you say I can meet you? You’re going to school, __6__ going shopping! What should I __7 _ for the disco? __8__ 9__ you going when I saw you?
More Homonyms Try to Figure out these next homonyms.
A flower found in your eye. iris
Look at this to see what the time is. watch
Your money is not in danger when it is in this. safe
Practice for a match as you travel on the rails. train
Press down hard with your foot to stick this on the envelope. stamp
A learner in the middle of your eye. pupil
A sixtieth of a minute is not first. second
A place where a group of fish learn. school
A keen supporter to cool you down. fan
Move your hand as the water comes in. wave
A less heavy way to start a fire. lighter
A dog does this on the outside of a tree trunk. bark
Smooth, not odd numbers. even
Does it squeak when it moves the cursor? mouse
The color of a fruit. orange
Glue the long piece of wood. stick
A season to go boing! spring
A tree in the middle of your hand. palm
“To explore homonyms which have the same spelling but multiple meanings and explain how the meanings can be distinguished in context, e.g. form (shape or a document), wave (gesture or motion)”
You can: identify the homonym in at least half the sentences; Make up another sentence, with your talking partner, to show the other meaning for that homonym.
For each slide, your task is to: Read the sentence; Find the homonym; With your partner, design a sentence using the same homonym but with its other meaning! Share your sentence with the class
If the given sentence is: I like bread and strawberry jam. You and your partner might say: My dad got stuck in the traffic jam.
Can you spot the homonym? With your partner decide: Which word is the homonym? With your partner, make up another sentence using it. Share your sentences.
The train leaves at 1:00. With your partner decide: Which word is the homonym? With your partner, make up another sentence using it. Share your sentences.
The children wave goodbye. With your partner decide: Which word is the homonym? With your partner, make up another sentence using it. Share your sentences.
The giant rose from his enormous seat. With your partner decide: Which word is the homonym? With your partner, make up another sentence using it. Share your sentences.
We went on a lovely trip to the zoo. With your partner decide: Which word is the homonym? With your partner, make up another sentence using it. Share your sentences.
How many letters are in this sentence? With your partner decide: Which word is the homonym? With your partner, make up another sentence using it. Share your sentences.
We went to book our seats on the plane. With your partner decide: Which words are homonyms? With your partner, make up sentences using them. Share your sentences.