Carnegie Corporation of New York Submitting a Proposal 1 This document will guide you through submitting a proposal to Carnegie Corporation of New York. Access the form Access Carnegie Corporation of New York portal at: Login with your credentials or send an to to request a user account. Once you are logged into the portal, Click on Proposals to Submit Click on the appropriate form (more than one proposal may be invited at the same time)
Carnegie Corporation of New York Submitting a Proposal: Organization Information 2 Next, you can update your organization and contact information. Organization Information Organization and Location fields: Leave as is. *Primary Contact, Signatory, Director, Head of Org, Financial Officer: Please review the names that appear in these fields. If the names are incorrect, please click ‘edit’ then select from the drop down menu. If the appropriate name doesn’t appear in the drop down menu then click on ‘Add New’ * REQUIRED FIELD TO ADD NEW CONTACTS (if not skip) *Does this User Need a Fluxx login: Enter Yes *Active_flag: Enter Yes *Enter First Name, Last Name, Click Save Follow instructions to either update existing contact info or add new contacts * If entering new contacts these are REQUIRED FIELDS 4 5
Carnegie Corporation of New York Submitting a Proposal: General Information 3 Request General Information Program Area: Leave as is. *Project Title: Enter project title if field says ‘Enter Text Here’. If not, the program officer has included the project title for you and you can skip to the Project Overview field. *Project Overview: Follow instructions and complete this field. * REQUIRED FIELD *Start Date: Complete this field. *Duration in Months: Complete this field Grant End Date: this is automatically calculated based on start date and duration. *Total amount Requested: Complete this field *Geographic Area Served: Follow instructions and complete this field. * REQUIRED FIELD 6 7 Next, you can enter the General Information.
Carnegie Corporation of New York Submitting a Proposal: Narrative + Dissemination Questions + Metrics 4 Next, you can enter the Narrative Questions, Dissemination Questions (if applicable) and Metrics. Narrative, Dissemination Questions + Metrics *Narrative Questions: Follow instructions and complete the fields in this section. * REQUIRED FIELDS If your proposed project includes a dissemination plan then these are required fields. If not, please skip these questions. *Request – Metrics: Follow instructions and complete the fields in this section. * REQUIRED FIELDS
Carnegie Corporation of New York Submitting a Proposal : Additional Information 5 Next, you can enter additional information. Additional Information Management Letter: Use the drop down menu to answer the question. If you answer yes, please attach a copy of the letter in the documents section. This is related to audited financial statements so if you aren’t required to submit them, you can skip this question. Material Weakness Letter: Use the drop down menu to answer the question. If you answer yes, please attach a copy of the letter in the documents section. This is related to audited financial statements so if you aren’t required to submit them, you can skip this question. *Organization Background Info: Follow instructions and complete this field. Summary Goals and Accomplishments: If you are a current grantee this is a required field. * REQUIRED FIELD 11 12
Carnegie Corporation of New York Submitting a Proposal : Payment Information + Attach Documents 6 Next, you can enter payment information and attach documents. Payment Information and Attaching Documents *Payment Information: If your proposal is approved we will need payment information. Use the drop down menu and follow instructions. * REQUIRED FIELD *Documents: Certain documents are required. Follow instructions and upload the appropriate required documents. * REQUIRED 13 14
Carnegie Corporation of New York Submitting a Proposal: Attaching Documents, continued Attach documents. Attaching Documents Attachments: To attach documents, click on the green plus sign. Click Add files to browse for and select the file you want to attach. Select the appropriate Document Type from the dropdown list. You may attach multiple documents at one time. When ready, click Start upload to upload the files When the status reads 100%, you can close the upload window. Confirm that the document(s) have uploaded in the Applications Document section with the correct Document Type assigned. Click Save, you will see a notice that you’re Request has been updated. THEN YOU MUST CLICK SUBMIT TO SUCCESSFULLY SUBMIT YOUR COMPLETED PROPOSAL. Questions or feedback on the process? us at Select document type here 15