The Crisis of the 1850s
The Election to 1852 Both the Whigs and the Democrats felt that the slavery issue was… As a result, they chose candidates who did not have strong sectional feelings Franklin Pierce for the Democrats General Winfield Scott for the Whigs
President Pierce Hey Whigs, thanks for angering the antislavery advocates. It divided your party and gave me the victory…..Thanks again!!!!!
The Transcontinental Railroad & Slavery In order to link the east and west, it was decided that the construction of a transcontinental railroad would be necessary
The Transcontinental Railroad & Slavery Though they agreed on the need for a transcontinental railroad, Northerners and Southerners argued over where its eastern terminus should be Chicago (somewhere in a free state) Somewhere in a slave state – Gadsden Purchase St. Louis, Memphis,or New Orleans
The Kansas-Nebraska Controversy 1854 – Stephen Douglas proposed a bill to organize a territory west of Iowa and Missouri
The Kansas-Nebraska Controversy I know the South is going to be angry since the new territory would be a free state…how do I calm them down??????
The Kansas-Nebraska Controversy
The Kansas-Nebraska Controversy Divided and destroyed the Whig Party Divided Northern Democrats Spurred the creation of the Republican Party
“Bleeding Kansas” Voting day for a territorial government in Kansas!!!! Thousands of pro-slavery advocates from Missouri came to Kansas to fix the election
“Bleeding Kansas”
Differences in Opinion Free-Soil Ideology Pro-Slavery Argument South was trying to spread slavery in order to destroy capitalism and replace it with an aristocracy The only option was to continue to fight the spread of the institution This was at the heart of the Republican Party Disunion was not an option Threats included Nat Turner style revolts, Garrisonians, and propaganda-type literature Better conditions for the slaves Good for Southern society kept the 2 races at peace Good for the nation’s economy as a whole It was the basis for Southern society which they felt was better than the greedy North
Election of 1856 James Buchanan for the Democrats John C. Fremont for the Republicans Millard Fillmore for the Know-Nothings
Buchanan Wins!!! President Buchanan
The Dred Scott Decision Scott was not a citizen; therefore, had no rights under the constitution Congress (according to the 5 th Amendment) could not take property without “due process of law” Stated that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
The Emergence of Lincoln Congressional Elections of 1858 Illinois Senate seat up for grabs Lincoln for the Republicans Douglas for the Democrats (reelection)
Lincoln – Douglas Debates Douglas had no moral stance on slavery Lincoln believed slavery was morally wrong Lincoln argued that slavery threatened the spread of free labor and thus the future of the country Lincoln could not think of an alternative where slavery already existed but stated he would fight the spread of it Lincoln lost the election but gained a following not just in his own state
John Brown’s Raid
Was John Brown passionate or crazy? Was he justified in his actions?
Election of 1860 Democrats Republicans Stephen Douglas John C. Breckinridge Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln won the election and for many southerners, this was seen as the last straw Disunion and secession seemed to be the only option.