I can explain why war between the north and south was inevitable following the sectional crisis during this time period. HOMEWORK: 5 of 6 Station Questions and Learning Targets Due tomorrow.
Missouri Compromise Missouri entered the Union as a slave state, Maine entered as a free state. Compromise of California was admitted as free state and enacted a stricter fugitive slave law to make it easier to capture runaways. Kansas-Nebraska Act POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY- allowed residents to vote whether to legalize slavery or not.
“Bleeding Kansas”- A mini-civil war broke out in Kansas, people from Missouri come in to Kansas and voted illegally, making slavery legal John Brown- Abolitionists rode into proslavery settlement and killed five men as revenge for “Sack of Lawrence” proslavery men burnt down homes. Raid on Harpers FerryRaid on Harpers Ferry South Carolina Secession- After years of unfair tariff and increased prices on imports, SC secedes after election victory of Abraham Lincoln.
Economic Differences- South – Farming/Slavery North-Industry West -Farming Missouri Compromise Maine –Free Missouri –Slave Country divide on 36’30’ line. N-free S-Slave Compromise of 1850 North- California-Free South – Fugitive Slave Act Kansas – Nebraska Act - Popular Sovereignty- People Vote on Slavery Election of Lincoln S. Carolina Secession- Breaks away from Union Bleeding Kansas – Mini-civil war breaks out- between Pro and Anti Slavery
From , the debates over nullification, protective tariffs, and the spread of slavery in the new territories caused concern? Balance of power between the federal and state governments. In the Compromise of 1850 and Kansas-Nebraska Act, popular sovereignty was a way to? Allow settlers in new territories to vote on the issue of slavery. One way that Bleeding Kansas, the Dred Scott case and John Brown’s actions had a similar effect to? Made compromise more difficult between the North and South. Increased sectionalism, states rights, break down in compromise, and election of Lincoln led to? Secession of Southern States from the Union.