INFRASTRUCTURE AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Presentation by Delegation of the European Union Consultative Group Meeting Technical Session La Palm, Accra, 23/09/2010.


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Presentation transcript:

INFRASTRUCTURE AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Presentation by Delegation of the European Union Consultative Group Meeting Technical Session La Palm, Accra, 23/09/2010

2 PRIORITIES WATER AND SANITATION: Medium term: i) ensuring efficient management of water resources; ii) accelerating the provision of safe and affordable water; iii) accelerating the provision and improve environmental sanitation; iv) ensuring the implementation of health and hygiene education programmes as a component of all water and sanitation programmes; v) improving sector coordination through a sector wide approach to water and environmental sanitation delivery; vi) improving sector institutional capacity; and vii) ensuring sustainable, predictable and adequate financing to the sector. TRANSPORT: Establish Ghana as a transportation hub for the West African Sub- region; integrate land use, transport planning and development planning and service provision; and ensure sustainable development in the transport sector. ALSO HUMAN SETTLEMENTS; SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION; ICT; RECREATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE

3 MILESTONES / RESULTS WATER AND SANITATION: Several Investment Plans prepared (Urban and Rural). MDG target for access to water has been met. (are figures fully reliable) (Sanitation!) Important SWAP process going on TRANSPORT: National Transport Policy; TSDP (coming to an end) ITP prepared. Infrastructure Country Diagnostic. Toll increases (maintenance funding), Axle Load enforcement HUMAN SETTLEMENTS; SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION; ICT; RECREATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE

4 OBSERVATIONS (DPs) Transport: Develop clear references to the integrated transport planning methodology (established during past three years). GOG ownership of "Integrated Transport Plan for Ghana". A greater focus on maintenance and sustainability. Water and Sanitation (priority sector) Need to refer to the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) process. Balance between central and local government. Institutional capacity concerns and inadequate budget allocation for both water and environmental sanitation facilities and services clear. There needs to be a clear reference to sanitation goals, e.g. MDG 7. Human settlements: prominence in the plan, need for coherence (DPs comments on first draft fully addressed in revised version?)

5 WORKING TOGETHER WATER AND SANITATION: Strengthening existing co-ordination mechanisms and fora for sector dialogue and engagement; Establish appropriate high level mechanisms for co- ordination with other related sectors and the ten Regions. Establis a functional sector Management Information System; Incorporate cross-cutting issues such as: gender, environment, public sector reform, decentralisation and governance in the implementation of SWAp. TRANSPORT: Sector Working Group – meeting quarterly. Sub-groups on specific issues reporting to the SWG: planning, facilitation of transport, axle load control. Tools for planning, linking with budget and MTEF. Integrated transport planning methodology: evidence based planning, economic forecasting, land use planning, institutional framework, social and environmental considerations, financing options. HUMAN SETTLEMENTS; SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION; ICT; RECREATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE – HOW TO ENGAGE. POSSIBLE GREATER ROLE FOR PRIVATE SECTOR FOR ALL: HOW TO ENGAGE NON TRADITIONAL DONORS

6 NEXT STEPS WATER AND SANITATION: ensure sustainable, predictable and adequate financing to the sector, economic water charges will be set. “Polluter Pays Principle” to be adopted. Strengthen Water Directorate and the Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate. Prepare Strategic Sector Development Plan TRANSPORT: Ownership and approval of the Integrated Transport Plan, implementation of the Action Plan (part of the ITP) on the basis of a realistic agenda, fitting in particular with the financial means (preparation and approval of MTEF), specific attention on: maintenance (core/affordable road network), axle load control, access to services, trade facilitation and regional integration. Need to better understand and factor in consequences of Climate Change for investments FOR BOTH: Monitoring of progress should ideally be indicator-oriented. GOG could focus on a reduced set of reliable indicators & need to strengthen links between NDPC and sector ministries for reporting and M&E