School Library Network Sub-topic: Challenges faced in Administering School Libraries Presented by: Mrs. Patsy Gordon Director School Library Network
TOPICS Overview Organization/Structure Jamaica Library Service Mission School Library Mission School Library Network Schools served Status of School Libraries Challenges Recommendations Pictorial
OVERVIEW Established in 1952 – four years after establishment of JLS JLS Board accepted responsibility for administering a library service to Primary schools on behalf of the MOE Administered by a Board of Directors Restructured in 2001: Currently operates through Six (6) Regions Currently serves 922 government school libraries island-wide
JAMAICA LIBRARY SERVICE MISSION The Jamaica Library Service exists to enable national development through the creation and support of a knowledge-based society of culturally aware lifelong learners by providing universal access to information. This will be achieved by being customer-focused and technology-enhanced; in an aesthetically pleasing environment; and by a well-trained, competent, motivated and empowered team.
IFLA/UNESCO SCHOOL LIBRARY MISSION Offer learning services to all members Books and resources Enable all members to become critical thinkers Enable all members to be effective users of information in all formats and media
IFLA/UNESCO SCHOOL LIBRARY MISSION Links to wider library and information network – in accordance with UNESCO Public Library Manifesto Services must be provided equally to all members of the school community Access to service and collection based on UND of human rights and freedom
SCHOOL LIBRARY NETWORK Responsibility: for the administration and coordination of a service to 919 School Libraries for the provision of resource material for the provision of training for personnel in charge of school libraries
STATUS OF SCHOOL LIBRARIES Basic criteria for active school libraries: Active Partially Active Inactive Designated library room Access to the collection No access to the collection Personnel in charge of the library Personnel in charge of the collection
STATUS OF SCHOOL LIBRARIES Number of active & inactive school libraries: (811) Active & Partially Active - (Operational) (108) Inactive 27 Infant 2 Infant 508 Primary 85 Primary 84 All Age 16 All Age 82 Primary & Junior High 3 Primary & Junior High 9 Technical 0 Technical 98 High 1 High 3 Special 1 Special
85 Primary and Junior High SCHOOLS SERVED 593 Primary 100 All Age 9 Technical High 4 Special 29 Infant SLN 99 High 85 Primary and Junior High
REGIONS Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Kingston & St. Andrew Region 1 Portland, St. Thomas & St. Mary Region 2 St. Ann & Trelawny Region 3 St. James, Hanover & Westmoreland Region 4 Manchester & St. Elizabeth Region 5 St. Catherine & Clarendon Region 6
SERVICES Consultation on the design and layout of library facilities 1 Consultation on the design and layout of library facilities 2 Organization of library resources 3 Training of Teacher/Librarians and other school personnel through seminars, workshops as well as on the job programmes 4 The inspection of school library facilities and the provision of guidance on best practices
CHALLENGES Lack of support from some principals Lack of personnel to adequately supervise library operations High turn-over rate of personnel assigned to manage the library Unsecured library accommodations
CHALLENGES No designated library room School has internet access but the library is not connected and not equipped with a computer Students and staff have no access to the collection Neglect of the collection
RECOMMENDATIONS Include the library in school development plan Ensure that the library is fully functional and the collection is accessible to students and staff Provide a designated library room Assign a teacher where there is no qualified librarian dedicated to carry out tasks assigned Schedule time for students to utilize the library
RECOMMENDATIONS Provide opportunities for teacher/librarians to attend continuing education courses Have ongoing discussions with the teacher/librarians regarding integrating the school library into the curriculum The principal is encouraged to foster the concept of using the library resources Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between JLS and schools pertaining to their school library
RECOMMENDATIONS Establish a process for the evaluation of the library Consult with the JLS when carrying out renovations for building new school libraries Ensure that recommendations made by JLS staff regarding improvements to the school library are implemented Seek financial support and resources for the library
Eltham Primary Jones Town Primary Oracabessa High Central Branch All Age
Holy Trinity High School Library
Alpha Infant School Library
MoAF/STU Infant School Libraries Savanna-la-mar Infant St. John’s Infant Falmouth Infant School Savanna-la-mar Infant Falmouth Infant School
Contact: Sharnna Archat-Edmondson (Training Manager) Do you have a query? Contact: Sharnna Archat-Edmondson (Training Manager) 1876-823-6222