COP 17, Durban, South Africa The Transport Sector in a Climate Constrained World Svend Søyland, Bellona Foundation and Clean Shipping Coalition
IPCC: 85 percent reduction by 2050
Transport Sector Comparison
GHG emissions by sector (2007)
CO 2 from shipping in 2050
Market based measures ✤ Timely - ✤ Aggressive – meet the 2 degree target ✤ Uniform – avoid loopholes and carbon leakage ✤ Predictable – support long-term investments Contribute to the Green Climate Fund.
Providing guidance to IMO? UNFCCC: Emission target and timelines Appropriate mitigation projects in other sectors EEDI – only a good beginning Global market –global EE designs SEEMP – existing ships Incentives or Command and Control?
Technical Innovations, Maritime
Aviation and Climate
Aviation Carbon Footprint
Technical Innovations, Aviation
Sustainable fuel ?
✤ Thank you!