Why was the Declaration of Independence Written? Breaking Away Why was the Declaration of Independence Written? © North Carolina Community College System Clip art from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/clipart/default.aspx
In the 1700s, Great Britain ruled thirteen colonies in North America.
King George III of Great Britain required the colonists to keep British soldiers in their homes for free.
He required the colonists to pay high taxes, and
he did not permit Americans to have a voice in making their laws.
The American colonists thought his laws were unfair! They complained about taxation without representation.
The colonists wrote to the king. They asked for permission to elect their own leaders and make their own laws.
The king said the colonists were resisting his authority!
He sent more soldiers to America.
Then the American colonists decided to become an independent country.
In 1775, representatives from each colony met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This meeting was called the Second Continental Congress.
The representatives decided to write a letter to the king and declare independence from Great Britain.
Thomas Jefferson was a very good writer. He and four other men wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Today, we say that Thomas Jefferson is the author of the Declaration of Independence.
On July 4, 1776, Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. Representatives from all thirteen colonies signed the declaration.
Today, Americans celebrate July 4 as Independence Day—the birthday of America!
Americans enjoy parades.
They celebrate with fireworks.
They sing patriotic songs.
They read the Declaration of Independence.
Independence Day is a national holiday in the United States!