CDF Status and Prospects for Run 2 Tara Shears
Introduction Accelerator / detector overview: Tevatron overview CDF overview Luminosity Physics prospects and first results: QCD, Heavy flavour, Electroweak, Searches Conclusions
Tevatron overview
The Tevatron p-p collisions at s = 1.96 TeV _ CDF: 706 people 12 countries D0: 650 people 18 countries
Tevatron operating parameters Run 1Run 2Now Date 1992 – Integrated Luminosity 110 pb – 9.5 fb pb c.m. energy 1.8 TeV1.96 TeV Luminosity 2 x cm -2 s -1 2 x cm -1 s x cm -2 s -1 Bunch spacing 3.5 s 396 – 132 ns396 ns
XFT,SVT triggers
Silicon system 3 separate detectors: –L00 (radius cm) –SVX (radius cm) –ISL (radius 20–30 cm) –Covers cm in z –~ channels! Installed in March 01
Si performance % silicon ladders integrated % bad silicon ladders % good silicon ladders % average error ~ 90% good and operational
SVT Level 2 Trigger Level 2 hadronic B trigger (d0) ~ 48 m 15 s operation online primary vertex finding, tracking trigger on displaced tracks M(hh)
TOF Performance TOF resolution within 10 – 20% of design value (100 ps) Calibration ongoing TOF S/N = 2354/93113 S/N = 1942/4517 eg.
Integrated luminosity Total lumi (pb -1 ) May. 2003Mar Run 1 lumi 50-80pb -1 will be shown
Physics in Run 2
QCD Jet cross-section, shapes multijet events Heavy flavour Lifetimes, cross- section, B c, B, B s studies, CP violation, x s Electroweak W: mass, width, gauge couplings Top: mass, cross- section, branching ratios Searches Higgs SUSY, compositeness, leptoquarks etc. # events in 1 fb
Consistent over 7 orders of magnitude deviation at high Et QCD Vital to understand QCD in order to perform precision/search physics BUT Run 1 inclusive jet cross section
SM explanation Important gluon-gluon and gluon-quark contributions at high Et Gluon high x not well known. Run 2 - more high Et jets: Test QCD at high Et Discriminate between new physics and gluon PDF New bins for Run 2
Dijet mass Jet 2 E T = 546 GeV (raw) det = CDF Run II Preliminary Jet 1 E T = 583 GeV (raw) det = 0.31 - view Had E Em E Highest Et jets seen at the Tevatron! M(jj)=1364 GeV/c 2 Consistent with SM
Heavy flavour Run 2 improvements: Better tracking systems TOF for K- separation Displaced track triggers Increased lumi for rare decays Tevatron only place to study Bs, b baryons, Bc Measurements in Run 2: Bs mass, lifetime, mixing CP from Bs, B0 B baryon lifetime, mass Rare decays, Bc study
Heavy flavour using J/ Inclusive B lifetime: Tracking + alignment proof =1.526 ps (CDF) (PDG 02: ps)
Heavy flavour using J/ Exclusive B reconstruction: (B s )=1.26 0.2 0.02 ps (PDG 02: 1.46 ps) m(B s )= MeV (PDG 02: 2.4 MeV) B s J/ B J/
Heavy flavour using SVT+TOF Allows exclusive hadronic decay mode reconstruction:
x = m/ P mix (t) = 0.5*(1-cos( m t)) Oscillation freq. width e -t/ Currently: x s > 14.6 Projection for 15 fb -1 : – B s decays –Effective tagging eff. *2 cf. Run 1 –Sensitive to x s < 63 Bs mixing
m f L –Separate eigenstates and measure each lifetime 1)B S D S + D S - (CP even) Work continuing in triggering on these difficult hadronic modes (track/vertex/reconstuct) 2)B S J/ (CP even&odd) Different angular distribution for allow separation of CP even and odd states 3)B S J/ (CP odd) complementary method Bs mixing
Not much lumi needed for quick limit BUT: Need had. B trigger Need tracking at full spec. Need tagging understood => Results summer 2004? Bs mixing reach
Charm: M(D s + )-m(D + ) Cross-check of lattice QCD, HQET charm mass Use large SVT triggered charm sample Submitted to PRD! m(D + s )-m(D + ) = 0.38 0.21 MeV/c 2 PDG 02: 99.2 0.5 MeV/c 2
Electroweak physics
Electroweak:W,Z Run 2 benefits: (W), (Z) 12 % (WW), (ZZ) % W,Z essential calibration signals for high Et physics Measurements in 2fb -1 : m(W) measured to 40 MeV (sys. dominated - theory) (W) measured to 30 MeV couplings measured to ~0.3
Electroweak: W candidates W-> W->e candidates in 72 pb candidates in 72 pb -1
Electroweak: Z candidates 1631 candidates in 72 pb -1 Z-> 1830 candidates in 72 pb -1 Z->ee
12% l q q 44% l l q Electroweak: top Run 2 benefits: (tt) 40% More luminosity Increased b tagging efficiency + lepton acceptance Tevatron only place to study top until LHC startup Measurements in 2 fb -1 : m(top) ~ 1.2% (cf. 2.9%) (tt) ~ 10% (cf. 25%) (single top) ~ 20% (1st!) |Vtb| ~ 12% (1st!) q q
First dilepton tt candidate
Top Results M(top) = 13.4 stat 9.9 sys GeV/c 2 NLO: pb (mt=175) CDF l+l D0 l+jets CDF l+jets D0 l+l (tt) PRELIMINARY M(top) (run1) = ± 6.6 GeV/c 2
Top mass motivation Run 2 expected precision
Electroweak: single top (t) ~ 0.9 pb (W*) (t) ~ 2.4 pb (Wg) (t) |V tb | 2 Tag by 1 high Pt e, + 2 jets ( 1 b) + Et Signal = peak in Wb invariant mass plot /
Production and Decay of Higgs 2 fb -1 data: ~ 2,000 Higgs (200 in association with W,Z) Backgrounds much larger than at LEP
Higgs: rates channelratemH= 110 mH= 120 mH= 130 lvbbsbsb bb sbsb llbbsbsb qqbbsbsb
Discover m(H) ~120 GeV, exclude m(H) ~ 190 GeV Expected Luminosity in Run 2 (updated) Exclude m(H) ~130 GeV Expected Luminosity in Run 2 Note: all numbers under review (new estimates for summer)
SUSY: stop stop decays: (eg.) t b 1 1 + l 0 (or) t b W 0 W l tag with b jet + lepton + Etmiss ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~
SUSY: trilepton topology Study lepton spectra for sensitivity to different SUSY models eg. 0 2 are produced, 0 1 is LSP Specific search for decays + 0 1 l 0 2 0 1 l l 3 leptons, often enriched in taus ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~
SUSY: trilepton spectra Run 2 exclusion limits for 2 models:
SUSY: ee Et ee Et event in Run 1: radiative decay of neutralino to gravitino? (gravitino lsp) pp i + j - 0 1 X G G + X Look for more events, + channel in Run 2 / ~~ ~~ ~~ _ /
Searches: diphoton Diphoton: GMSB: radiative decay to LSP (gravitino) If neutralino NLSP: / M C > 113 GeV/c 95% C.L. E t
SUSY: projected limits Expected limits for Run 2: (taken from Savoy-Navarra, EPS 99)
Run 2 has just started at the Tevatron –New c.m. energy, high luminosity, new detectors Exciting program of physics ahead –Tevatron only place where top can be studied –Possibility of Higgs + new physics –Many areas of electroweak, heavy flavour and QCD physics to explore Run 2 physics underway … watch this space!!
Backup slides
Jet Cross Section vs QCD sub-processes at small angles Central jets are more likely to signal new physics (hep-ph )
Run II Peak fill luminosity peak lumi 05/0303/01
Tevatron Operations Many reasons for not reaching design lumi
Electroweak: m(W) errors ErrorRun1b W e Run 1b W 2 fb -1 W e 2 fb -1 W statistical65 MeV100 MeV14 MeV20 MeV lepton energy/momentum scale 75 MeV85 MeV20 MeV15 MeV lepton energy/momentum resolution 25 MeV20 MeV8 MeV6 MeV W production model47 MeV44 MeV30 MeV Fitting, selection etc.5 MeV31 MeV14 MeV16 MeV Total113 MeV143 MeV42 MeV40 MeV Run 1b= 110 pb -1
Heavy flavour physics
Heavy flavour physics: lifetimes First measurements which CDF will perform in b sector Necessary step towards oscillation Best measurement of B s 0, b. (Unique) HQET: (B + )/ (B 0 )=1.05 ( B s 0 )/ (B 0 )=1.00 ( b )/ (B 0 )=0.9 to 1.0 Experiment: ( b )/ (B 0 ) is fb -1 : 3000 B s => (c B s )) ~ 0.03 ps 2000 B => (c B )) ~ 0.04 ps
Heavy flavour physics: lifetimes
Millions of B mesons have already been produced in RunII. Need to trigger and identify relevant decays. Leptons ‘easy’; hadrons difficult Look for J/ c =458±10±11 m (469±4 m) XFT,SVT Next step: B s, B lifetimes… ~ 46%
Exclusive lifetimes BsB0 B+ (B+) c =446 ±43 stat. ±13 syst. m (502 ± 5)
Higgs Look in diffractive mode pp pHp Reconstuct from missing mass of pp system CDF 55m GeV mass resolution standard method, ~ 0.5 GeV resolution diffractive mode
Higgs Signal ( Cudell, Hernandez ) Background Tevatron, reasonable at LHC