Journey to Texas Created and by Mrs. Phillips Krimmel Intermediate
Journey to Texas It is May You and your family are part of a small caravan of wagons traveling to Texas from Alabama. The caravan has traveled about halfway to Texas and the wheels of your wagon are breaking down because the wagon is so heavily loaded. The oxen are tiring and you are having trouble keeping up with the other wagons, which means you may have to be left behind…ALONE. You have decided that some of what you are carrying must be thrown away. You must eliminate 8 of the following items. Remember, you are uncertain about where in Texas you will be settling and do not know what you will find in the wilderness. You will need to keep what is important. On a sheet of paper, create a chart and write down the 8 items you chose to eliminate and the reason why. In a separate chart, pick the 3 most important items you chose to keep and explain why you felt you needed them.
8 items to discard Why did you feel you didn’t need them? (Draw the above chart on your own paper)
3 most important items Why did you feel you needed these? (Draw the above chart on your own paper)
4 bolts of cloth 2 Barrels of Bacon Small Franklin metal stove Crate of lead and gunpowder
100 feet of heavy rope Spare Tools Pans you received as a wedding present
Trunk of winter clothing Heirloom table and chairs Small Anvil and Hammer
Set of axes 2 Cows Set of Books
Spare Wheel RimPlow
Barrel of Molasses Spinning Wheel Barrel of Flour
Go to and check out paragraph 3 to find out the dimensions of “Prairie Schooner”. Using sidewalk chalk and a meter stick, you will draw an outline showing the size of pioneer wagon. Include the tongue and neck yoke. Be sure to write all your dimension using your sidewalk chalk.