So is anything new? Christian Conferencing is a way of being church in the world shaped by scripture and growing together in worship, prayer and conversation. It is a commitment to listen, discern and grow together.
Christian Conferencing
The Function of the Commission on General Conference (¶ 511) Site selection Dates Daily schedule The Daily Christian Advocate Accommodating needs of delegates Per diem allowance Assigning the number and content of legislative committees Setting the number of delegates when the designated formula produces a number outside the constitutional range.
The Charge to the Commission “consult with 2012 delegates and recommend to GC2016 petitions and constitutional amendments that will reduce cost, improve the effectiveness and increase the value of our General Conference meetings.” “greater use of technology before General Conference to inform on questions and begin delegate dialogue and to prioritize petitions, moving General Conference debate from issues of governance and towards building consensus on ministry and treat the $12 million investment in the General Conference as a means for advancing the mission of The UMC and our global effort to transform the world.”
Our Guiding Principles: For the greater glory of God and in faithful response to the sacred trust placed upon us, we are committed, with help of the Holy Spirit, to create and nurture a General Conference environment where— …the grace of God may be experienced in mutual hospitality; …all may engage in Christian Conferencing to discern God's call to The UMC for such a time as this; …all voices are heard and honored as a shared United Methodist identity is shaped and experienced in response to God's vision for us; …the people, time and financial resources God has brought together are wisely and effectively engaged; … decisions made are aligned with the world-wide nature of The UMC connection; …legislative work and all other tasks are connected to making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Constitutional Amendment “The General Conference shall gather the delegates, as representatives of the church, for worship, prayer, and fellowship in a spirit of Christian Conferencing.”
Our Theme….
Smoothing the Way…
Initiating Conversation…..
Alternative Legislative Process (1)Love the Lord our God and love our neighbor; (2) emphasize the centrality of relationship and call to deeper relationship; (3) expect the imitation of Christ in all we do.
They who ‘walk after the Spirit’ are also led by him into all holiness of conversation. Their speech is ‘always in grace, seasoned with salt’ with the love and fear of God. No corrupt communication comes out of their mouth, but (only) that which is good; that which is ‘to the use of edifying’ which is ‘meet to minister grace to the hearers’. (Wesley, Works, 1:236)