Welcome to Etiwanda Intermediate School’s California Junior Scholarship Federation 2 nd Trimester CJSF
Congratulations on inquiring about Etiwanda Intermediate’s first ever CJSF Organization! Required Grades based on: Fall Term of 8th Grade 2015
Introducing: CJSF Officers Co-Officers: Vivian Tran Madeleyn Reyes Martinez
What is CJSF? The purpose of CJSF is to recognize and encourage high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship. Membership is earned by fulfilling requirements of a given amount of grade points, high standards of citizenship and serving a required number of approved community service hours each trimester. At this time students meeting the grade and citizenship requirements will be accepted by turning in the completed application with attached copy of fall report card to Mrs. Schemenauer by December 16th at 3:00pm in Room T5. Each applicant will receive an acceptance or denial letter in response to their application by January 7, Membership is dependent upon satisfactory completion of CJSF Form documenting Community Service hours, meeting attendance, and completion of projects.
CJSF Honor Member An Honor Member is a student who qualifies for membership for 3 consecutive trimesters and completes membership requirements through the third trimester of 8 th grade: – First Term (eligibility based on 3 rd Trimester of 7 th Grade) – Second Term (eligibility based on 1 st Trimester of 8 th Grade) – Third Term (eligibility based on 2 nd Trimester of 8 th Grade) Honor Members will earn a CJSF Gold Seal on their Promotion Certificate, a notation on the Promotion program, a Gold Seal on their Cumulative File and a Honor Member pin to be worn at Promotion.
Dear Parents of the Class of 2016, Welcome to Los Osos! I am Julie Hartz, advisor of the California Scholarship Federation. Some entering freshmen were members of CJSF (California Junior Scholarship Federation) at their respective junior high/middle schools. CJSF is an honor society at the middle school level that recognizes students for academic excellence. As a result of multiple trimesters of membership, your student may have graduated with the CJSF Seal. At Vineyard JHS, the CJSF Seal is affixed to the Certificate of Promotion. At Day Creek Intermediate, the CJSF Seal is affixed to a document entitled "California Junior Scholarship Federation Honor Award." Those students who received this recognition are honorary freshman members of CSF during their incoming semester at Los Osos. Students who did not have CJSF offered at their school site or did not graduate with the CJSF honor, must wait until February 2013 to join CSF. Membership to CSF at Los Osos is based on the previous semester grades and students must accumulate enough points based on the CSF scoring guidelines. The benefits of membership and a full explanation of CSF can be found in the Los Osos Parent/Student Handbook. If your student graduated with this honor and would like to be an honorary freshman member, please send a PHOTOCOPY OF THE DOCUMENT WITH THE CJSF SEAL with your student to school by Friday, September 14th. Your student can find me in C49. I encourage you to sit down with your student each semester for the purpose of setting a realistic goal so that he or she may qualify for membership following each semester at Los Osos. Graduating as a CSF Lifetime Member is the ultimate goal of all CSF members at Los Osos High School. Again, refer to the CSF page in your copy of the Parent/Student Handbook for a thorough explanation. Feel free to me on School Loop with any further questions. I wish your students all the best in their years ahead at Los Osos High School!
Community Service Required Hours: 5 Hours per trimester – At least 3 hours served at Etiwanda Intermediate. All hours must be logged on the official CJSF Community Service Forms. Forms can be found on the school website under CJSF Hours may not be used for more than one club. Community Service Forms are due NO LATER THAN February 3 to fulfill 2nd Term membership.
CJSF Club Community Service Project: – Collecting socks for the Central City Mission in San Bernardino. – There is an opportunity to donate EVERY meeting! Bring a pair of socks to help support our Community Service Project! CJSF Community Service Project
EIS CJSF Schedule This Trimester: – 1st Meeting Scholarship Speaker 1/13- 6pm Heritage Int. – 2 nd meeting – 2/3 2:15 Room T5 – Community Service due –2/3 – Scholarship Project Due 2/3 7:15 am Meeting T5
Community Service Ideas Sign Up today!!! *****3/5 hours must be served at EIS **** – Sign up today for a spot! Student Tutor (days vary by grade level) Teacher Assistant after school PTSA helper after school Homework Lab Helper – see an EIS homework lab teacher for specifics. Office Assistant – – open list for staff to select students for jobs Pick up your Comm. Service form before you leave!
CJSF T-Shirt Wear to all CJSF meetings and Field Trips. * Members can order after qualified for one trimester…Mrs.Schemy will have forms at first meeting 1/13!
Induction Dinner 1 st trimester members will receive invitation Next week for January 6 th with details and RSVP slips.
What to do now??? First completely fill in entire application, fees, and attach a copy of report to apply before 12/16/15 ! Check teacher web !