HCI Prototype Presentation July 12, 2011
Agenda Concept Assumptions Prototype / Storyboard
Concept Trivial Purfuit Trivial Purfuit is a computer game used to test knowledge of the U.S Declaration of Independence. The style of this game is very similar to that of Trivial Pursuit ® from Hasbro Games. It will support game play between 2-4 players, and will have an easily extensible database of questions & answers. The general audience for this application will be high school civics students.
Assumptions First, and foremost, keep it simple! While there are certainly a lot of interesting thing we could do with this project, we are focusing on meeting customer requirements first. Nice add-ons or advanced features will only be done if time permits.
Assumptions Software is not networked All players play together using a single instance of the application on a single machine Just like playing a traditional board game
Assumptions Certain control elements are left to the players, rather than the software Time restrictions Providing answers to questions Assessing correctness of provided answers Just like playing a traditional board game
Prototype Given the simple design approach afforded by these assumptions, let’s walk through the associated GUI screens and control flows.
Welcome Screen
Help & Instructions
Start New Game
The Game Board
Rolling The Dice
Selecting A Square
Continuing Turn
Getting Some Cake
Wrong Answer
Roll Again
On The Hub
Going For The Win
Game Over
Questions ?