WELLNESS WONDERS Facts & Stats about health!
Wellness Wonder December 8 By the 8th grade, 28% of adolescents have consumed alcohol, 15% have smoked cigarettes, and 16.5% have used marijuana. Do you think these numbers are high for 8 th grade? Why?
Wellness Wonder December 17 Each day 3,000 children smoke their first cigarette. Of the 3,000 teens who started smoking today, nearly 1,000 will eventually die as a result from smoking Why do you think teens start smoking?
Wellness Wonder December 18 It is now legal in 21 states for employers to refuse to hire persons who smoke or use tobacco products. Why do you think this is? Do you agree with this? Why?
Wellness Wonder December 21 The word “toast” meaning a wish of good health, started in ancient Rome, where a piece of toasted bread was dropped into wine. What role do you think alcohol plays in certain cultures? Why does the US have such restrictions on underage use?
Wellness Wonder January 4 People start acting drunk much quicker than the time it actually takes for the alcohol to take effects. This is because they expect to be drunk so act accordingly. How have you seen drunk people act? What have they done?
Wellness Wonder January 5 Liver disease by chronic alcohol abuse kills 25,000 Americans each year. Do you think people with this type of liver disease should receive liver transplants? Why?
Wellness Wonder January 6 The direct cause of alcoholism is still unknown. Why do some people become addicted to alcohol and drugs and others do not?
Wellness Wonder January 7 Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens, and about one-third of those are alcohol related. On average, one in three people will be involved in a drunk driving crash in their lifetime. Why do you think people continue to drink & drive?