Neighborhood Greenways
Function. Local Service Traffic Streets provide local circulation for traffic, pedestrians, and bicyclists and (except in special circumstances) should provide on-street parking. In some instances where vehicle speeds and volumes are very low (for example, woonerfs and accessways), Local Service Traffic Streets may accommodate both vehicles and pedestrians and bicyclists in a shared space. 68.6%17%
Dutch Residential Example
Neighborhood Greenways
Four Basic Traffic Goals Less than 1,000 motor vehicles per day Keep the through traffic on the through streets. Protect the residential character of our neighborhoods Improve safety. Speeds at or under 20 MPH Help people across busy streets Efficiently get people where they want to go
World-Class Residential Networks Comfortable Quiet Convenient Low-crash Clean air Solving problems Multiple Objective Affordable and simple
Mode share Livability Sustainability Transportation Bike Plan, Pedestrian Plan, Safe Routes to School, Transit Plan, Freight Plan Urban Forestry Parks Stormwater-Green Streets Health / Health Equity Climate Action Plan Using Our Streets to Implement Multiple Policy Goals
It’s a platform for programs Sunday Parkways Women on Bikes Portland by Cycle Safe Routes to School
SAFETY RESULTS Effect of 20 mph traffic speed zones on road injuries in London, : controlled interrupted time series analysis Cite: BMJ 2009;339:b4469 Recent British Journal of Medicine: 20 MPH Zones associated with: 42% decrease in all crash activity 46% decrease in serious injury & fatal crashes Biggest decreases in pedestrian crash activity for ages % decrease in serious crashes for motor vehicle occupants
Framing Matters. What will the community let us build? What is the nature of the conversation? What is the nature of the product?
Collaboration Transforms the City Holman Pocket Park Providing safe, active transportation Managing stormwater Creating sustainable public spaces Multi-jurisdiction and community partnership Environmental Services Transportation Water Bureau Parks & Recreation Environmental Protection Agency Community members Before: After:
Collaboration Transforms the City Before: After:
Central Neighborhood Greenway