SEAL 3 The Journey
In the Beginning Specialist interested in advisory leadership met here in Atlanta. Shared perceived needs. Developed an action plan. Decided to work toward a conference.
SEAL # Benchmarked with 4 state’s stories. Discussion of ideals and needs. Found a mutual need to develop curriculum.
Gathered Momentum Recruited more states and volunteers. Expanded the leadership team of Specialists and volunteers. Developed a plan to develop curriculum. Planned SEAL2
SEAL # Offered 3 tracks of curriculum. –Organizing Effective Meetings –Ramping up for Successful Councils –Setting Program Priorities Validated Volunteer Competencies Asked for more curriculum
SEAL # Have Administrative leadership support Have interest from new states. Advanced level curriculum delivered.
Tuesday’s Sessions Session 1: Communicating with Decision Makers- Building Capacity Session 2: Advisory Group Development Session 3: Individual Advisory Member Development YOU WILL GET TO ATTEND TWO OF THREE OF THESE SESSIONS!!!!
Tuesday’s Agenda 8:00 am: Concurrent Morning Session 12:00 noon: Working Luncheon 1:00 pm: Concurrent Morning Session 6:00 pm: State’s Night Out
#1: Communicating with Decision Makers- Building Capacity Affecting Public Policy Communicating Impact of CES Programs Marketing the Fundamentals Role in Annual Budget Process
#2: Advisory Group Development Building Sustainable Extension Advisory Councils Committees 101 Programming Techniques & Skills Leading Teams
#3: Individual Advisory Member Development Creating Vision Communicating with Different Cultures Character and Ethics in Leadership Personality Traits of Leaders Motivating Others
Wednesday’s Agenda 8:00 am: Case Studies 9:00 am: Advisory Leadership Panel 10:00 am: Conference Wrap Up and Evaluation 10:30 am: Begin Journey Home
"Even when opportunity knocks a person still has to get up off their seat and open the door"