Site Visitor Training Administrators’ Session Atlanta February 2016
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Overview of Session Accreditation Defined Self-Study and Site Visit Processes & Tips Common Questions / Standards Afternoon Session – Using e-Accreditation Q & A
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Accreditation Defined: CHEA Accreditation: A collegial process based on self- and peer review for quality assurance, accountability, and improvement of academic quality in higher education. Accreditation Status: The decision made by the accrediting organization as a result of a review of an institution or program that identifies the level of accreditation of the institution or program, e.g., accredited, denial, probation, termination, withdrawal, suspension. Accrediting Organization: A private, non-governmental association organized to evaluate institutions or programs and render judgments about the accredited status of the institution or program.
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Changes in Accreditation that will impact specialized accreditors Federal Regulation –Transparency –Accountability –Employability
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Accountability, Transparency and Public Information Higher Education Accreditation Requires It –CHEA Standard 12 (A) (3) - standards or policies that include expectations of institutional or program quality, including student achievement, –CHEA Standard 12 (B) (1) require institutions to provide reliable information to the public, including student achievement –CHEA Standard 12 (C) Encourages self-scrutiny and planning for change and needed improvement
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION The Site Visit: Structure, Process, and Expectations (What is being reviewed with the SVers during this session) The Site Visit Team –Team members –Roles and Responsibilities –Communication Travel/Housing/Meal arrangements & expenses Professional Conduct –Dress Code and Appearance –Professional Expectations while at the site
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Site Visit Team Members All team members –Responsible for becoming familiar with the Self-Study –Writing the Site Visit Report Chair –Coordinate all aspects of the Site Visit Process –Communicate with the PD prior to the visit Make contact within 1 week of receiving assignment Select dates for the visit Set the agenda Questions regarding self-study Reopen standards
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Site Visit Team Members Team member –Travel to the site visit –Involved in interviews, etc. Reader –‘Assist from afar’ – review documents, gather information, discuss visit via phone –Travel if necessary
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Site Visit Arrangements All site visit costs are covered by the Site Visit fee –Travel – SVers will make flight reservations; consult with PD to determine best airport –Hotel – SVers will make reservations; might seek input from PD –Car – Work with PD to determine if rental car is necessary –Food – Dinner with institution/program officials the first night; all other meals alone Svers should pay for their own meals
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Professional Conduct CAATE expects SVers to demonstrate utmost in professionalism –Dress / appearance Business attire Conservative appearance –Confidentiality –Use of electronic devices for SV business only –Professional in all interactions
Preparing for the Site Visit
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Form a committee to assist –Administrators –Faculty –Preceptors –Students –Outside members Establish a realistic timeline –Allow plenty of time –Plan for delays, revisions, approvals/signatures –Don’t rush; allow time to check the details Before You Start to Write
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Provide clear, complete, succinct narratives –Answer the questions completely –Avoid straying away from the question –Provide responses that can be understood by someone not familiar with your program Compiling the Self-Study
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Provide a complete view of your program –Detail unique aspects of your program –Don’t be afraid to address weaker areas –Be honest in your reflections and information The process is meant to help you/your program Better for you to point out things (+ and -) than to have them “discovered” later Compiling the Self-Study
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION eAccreditation –Available 1 year prior to due date (continuing programs) Initial: as soon as pay fees (up to 2 years) –“File Cabinet” – storage for program documents – must transfer to self-study module –Update directory and documents –Upload requested information for each standard File names match content Compiling the Self-Study
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Recruit an outside reviewer –Someone outside the DISCIPLINE is helpful Clarity Grammar Completeness Review to ensure completeness Submit your self-study on time Finalizing the Self-Study
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Prepare program personnel –Purpose of the visit –Importance –What to expect –Prepare for potential questions Stakeholders –College / University administrators –Faculty –Preceptors –Students –Administrative Support Preparing for a Site Visit
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION On-site Materials –See list from CAATE –Update documents that have changed since the self-study was submitted Internet Access –For eAccred & electronic records Access to electronic records –E-Value, ATrack –University records –Online course platforms Preparing for a Site Visit
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Other preparations –Reserve a “hub” for site visitors A secure room where SV can have meetings, store on-site materials, etc. –Determine other meeting locations, i.e. administrators Travel arrangements –Visit clinical sites Driving time, best routes, entrances, permissions to enter Do a ‘pre-site visit’ inspection – EAP, BBP, Therapeutic equipment calibrations Preparing for a Site Visit
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Other preparations cont. –Enlist help of campus personnel – IT, dining, secretarial, etc. –Determine dining options Campus availability Menus –Site Visitors can’t accept gifts, but beverages and snacks for work room are OK! Ask site visitors their preferences Preparing for a Site Visit
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Dinner the first evening with site visitors and program administrators –Casual conversation –Overview of program Ensure site visitors have a clear picture of the program During the Site Visit
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Site Visitors will debrief the program director daily –Will discuss potential areas of non-compliance –Don’t want any surprises –Program director can ask questions Have a copy of the Standards for Exit conference –Take notes regarding non-compliances –Site visitors won’t leave any written report During the Site Visit
After the Site Visit
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION After the Site Visit – Timeline Exit conference – preliminary report SV Report sent to CAATE office within 1 week Review Committee Final SV Report sent to program within 8 weeks – to program officials No non-compliances With non-compliances
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Rejoinder Follows same process as self-study Only non-compliant standards visible and editable Due in 90 days Requires sign-off by chair and dean Reviewed by Review Committee –Sent to Commission for action
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Rejoinder process – now electronic Non-compliant standards will be “re-opened” in e- accreditation with a rationale for non-compliance and requests for materials to submit in the rejoinder. If you are unclear about what we are asking, call the office. Documentation should be clear Narrative should be concise If the rationale indicates “no evidence found, etc” don’t give the same material that the team reviewed at the site visit
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Progress Reports Follow same process as rejoinder Due date for PR will be in the instructions
TRANSFORMING THE PROFESSION THROUGH QUALITY EDUCATION Substantive Change PD Change Change in level of degree College or school change Major curriculum change (20%) Other changes (Budget, etc)