Native Americans of Pennsylvania Quiz Review for Lessons 1 & 2
People who study the past by digging up evidence from past cultures are called: Archeologists
Before Pennsylvania was settled by Europeans, what two Native American groups lived there? Algonquin Iroquois
Native Americans often traded using strings of white or black shell beads. What were they called? Wampum
During the Ice Age, Asians migrated to North America by: Crossing a land bridge over the Bering Strait
When Native Americans needed to travel by water, they would use what kind of transportation? Canoes
In the Algonquin tribe, a council of men was selected to run the tribe by who? The women
The Algonquin families lived in small homes called: Wigwams
The Iroquois lived in houses that were 50 to 100 feet long called: Longhouses
The Iroquois formed a league of tribes ruled by a head chief. This was the basis for what government? The U.S. government
Native Americans did not use money. Instead they would ______. Barter