What happened to the buildings?
Unit 4
What other kinds of disasters do you know? Warming-up: fire snow slide 雪崩
volcano eruption 火山爆发 Tornado 龙卷风
mudflow flood
sandstorm typhoon
Tsunami 海啸 earthquake
Here are the two cities famous for their earthquakes. After looking at the pictures, say the differences about the cities before and after the earthquake.
Tang Shan San Francisco Before the earthquake
After the earthquake
What has happened on 12 May 2008 ?
A powerful 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan province on May 12, More than 60,000 people died.
Some people said that they saw a lot of frogs crossing the road before the earthquake. What other signs of the earthquake do you know ?
Read para1 and find some signs of the earthquake.
The water in the wells ____and____. And some deep ______could be seen in the well walls. A______ gas came out the cracks. rose fell cracks smelly
The chickens and even pigs were______ nervous _____eat. too to
Mice ______out the fields___________ places to hide. Fish _________out of bowls and ponds. looking for jumped ran
People could see _______lights in the sky.bright
The sound of planes could be ________ even when no planes were in the sky. heard The water pipes in some buildings _________ and ___________. cracked burst
Analyze the structure & the main idea of the whole passage. ________~_________~_______ the earthquake part 2. part 1. part 3. ( Para.1 ) (Para.2,3) (Para.4) signs ruin/destroy rescue and help beforeduringafter
Para Fill in the Data( 数据 ) of the nation felt the earthquake. A huge crack that was_______ kilometers long and ________ meters wide cut across houses. In terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 1/
________of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than. All of the city’s hospitals, ______ of its factories and buildings and of its homes were gone. 2/3 400,000 75% 90%
2. How did the survivors feel at that moment? shocked, surprised frightened nervous worried sad discouraged lose heart …
…… Who went into the city? rescue workers, army, soldiers, doctors, nurses, volunteers … What did people do for the city? The city began to breathe again. Para4: 1. help rescue workers 2. dig out the people who were trapped 3. bury the dead 4. build shelters for survivors
Suppose the earth begins to shake what will you do to protect yourself? Discuss in group of four
*Keep calm. *If you are indoors: 1. hide under a desk or a table. 2. keep you far away from the heavy things. *If you are outdoors: 1. go to an open area. 2. keep you far away from street lamps and buildings and so on. *Don ’ t get into a lift. *Make sure you wear shoes.
地震来临时,最重要的是要保持 冷静,并灵活选择藏身之所:房内避 震时应选择易于形成三角空间的地方 避震,如内墙墙根、墙角等,或躲避 到厨房、厕所、储藏室等开间小的地 方。震时切记不要跳楼、不要站到阳 台上和窗边。
学生在教室上课时遇到地震, 应该 迅速抱头躲在课桌下,待地震过后迅 速撤离;在操场的学生可原地蹲下, 注意避开附近高大建筑物或危险物, 不要回到教室中。
Life is beautiful. We must love our lives. In an earthquake SPEED IS LIFE.
No matter how great the difficulty is, if we work hard and help each other, we can overcome it. God helps those who help themselves! Never give up; never give in; never say never!
Summary: Filling the blacks with the first given letter: Several days before July 28, 1976, many s______things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for the e__________. But people in the city of Tangshan didn’t think m_______of these. At 3:42am that day,the earth began to s________,which d_________the city. trange arthquake uch hakeestroyed
Many people,including workers and doctors,came to r_______those t_________under the ruins. Later that afternoon,another big earthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or injured and more buildings f________down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. T________were organized to dig out the trapped and b_____the dead. escue rapped ell eams ury
Homework: 1.Find out the useful phrases on p26 ; 2.Finish exercise1, 3 on P28; 3.Finish the newspaper.