Shaping the Future... e-Mentoring - a just in time solution Chris Bamford, Paul Schanzer & Ian Govier
Permanent White Water (Vaill, 1996)
…a learning process that anybody can use to help them learn and sharpen their abilities, deliver results and grow as a person and a leader. Mentoring…
Shaping the Future... Why e-Mentoring? Individual’s need for “me” time Solving complex problems Identify a solution to respond to geographic and time constraints
Shaping the Future... How? Supported by training guide & framework Technology as enabler Laptop, PDA, web cam, face-to-face, , telephone Matching mentor process Blended model to support process PDA Netbook Kolb learning cycle
The Mentored Learning Cycle (Kolb) Mentoring Engagement Visualisation Identify Issues Reflection Action e-TECHNOLOGY ENABLER
Mentor Competences (Bamford and Sweet, 2006) Motivation Establishing rapport Political Awareness Influence Creativity Empowering Diversity Self- awareness Judgement Communicating Learning
Shaping the Future... Benefits Real time development of leadership capability within the professions Enhanced service delivery Raising the profile of individual participants Development of mentoring skills amongst senior leaders Raising awareness of and skill levels in the use of e-enabled communication media Reduction of carbon footprint More effective use of time
Bethan Johnson, NHS HR, Welsh Assembly Government
Sue Bale, Clinical Leader, Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust
Martin Semple, Royal College of Nursing Wales
Shaping the Future... Mentoring Landscape
Shaping the Future... Technology Partners Dr. Olinga Ta’eed Simon Burton
Shaping the Future... Major Trials Clinical leaders from across the NHS in Wales and England Medical & Nurse Directors and other key professionals (AHPs)
Shaping the Future... e-Mentoring -LIVE!
Shaping the Future... Technology – shorter engagements around 30 minutes duration over six month period compared to traditional methods Independent Evaluation (Development Resources Ltd)
Shaping the Future... Independent Evaluation (Development Resources Ltd) 71% had a good, and 29% very good mentoring experience.
Shaping the Future... 90% would recommend e-Mentoring to a colleague. Independent Evaluation (Development Resources Ltd)
Shaping the Future... 80% of mentors found the reflective question framework helpful. Independent Evaluation (Development Resources Ltd)
My Space
Shaping the Future... Traditional mentoring engagement: Face to face mentoring three engagements based on average salary cost of Mentor and Mentee time £3,000 plus travel/time £1,000 total £4,000 x based on 28 participants £112,000 e-Mentoring - 4 engagements approx £1,000 x 28 participants £28,000- total saving of e-Mentoring v traditional of £74,000 Evaluation - ROI
Shaping the Future... e-Mentoring gave me confidence to problem solve without going to my line manager – therefore saving time and travel in my organisation My e-Mentor helped me to focus my mind, identify things that needed to change and prompted me to take action. My organisation covers a huge and rural part of Wales and I am now utilising e-Mentoring to support my team members who often feel isolated. Arranging e- Mentoring meetings was far more flexible than when I’ve used traditional forms of mentoring. e-Mentoring allowed me to access my mentor within 10 minutes of making a brief E- mail request. What was amazing was that my mentor was over 100 miles away and we were speaking face to face!
Shaping the Future... Any Questions?
Shaping the Future... Thank You