Lifestyle diseases, Genetic diseases, Chronic diseases
Cardiovascular Diseases These diseases affect the heart or blood vessels. These diseases are responsible for more than 40% of all deaths in the US
Types of Cardio Diseases Hypertension: high blood pressure and can occur at any age. Silent killer because there are no symptoms in its early stages It can be lowered with; meds and wt. control Atherosclerosis: is the process in which plaques accumulate on artery walls Buildup is due mainly to food choices If a blood clot forms in the area of the plaque, a heart attack or stroke may result.
Disease of the Heart Angina Pectoris: is chest pain that result from lack of o2 Arrhythmia: irregular heartbeats Heart attacks: Damage the heart muscle Congestive Heart failure: when the heart gradually weakens Stroke: arterial blockage to the brain
Factors of CVD Heredity Gender Age Diet Exercise Life style
Cancer Noncancerous tumors: ( benign) don't spread, yet can interfere with body function. Cancerous tumors (malignant tumors) spread throughout the body, or metastasize. Cancer kills normal cells and compete for nutrients Tumors put pressure on tissue and organs
Types of Cancer Lymphomas are cancers of the immune system. Leukemia's are cancers of the blood- forming organs Carcinomas are cancers of the glands and body lining Sarcomas are cancers of the connective tissue.
Risk Factors of Cancer Tobacco use, even secondhand. Sexually transmitted disease cause cervical and liver cancers. A diet high in fat and low in fiber Ultraviolet radiation
Reducing your risk of cancer Practice abstinence Be physical active Maintain healthy wt. Eat nutritious foods. UV protection Avoid tobacco and alcohol Recognize the warning signs
Treatment for Cancer Surgery removes cells Radiation Chemotherapy: Chemical destroy Immunotherapy activates your own immune system Hormone slow it down
Asthma Asthma is an inflammatory condition in which the small airways in the lungs become narrowed, causing difficulty in breathing Sensitive to triggers (substance such air pollution) Manage stress, take meds, manage environ, monitor conditions
Diabetes Chronic disease that affects the way body cells convert food into energy. Type 1 suddenly and progresses quickly Body doesn’t produce insulin Glucose builds up in the blood, starving cells of energy Damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart Autoimmune disease, a condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks itself
Diabetes Type 2: results in the body being unable to make enough insulin or to use insulin properly. It is nearing epidemic proportions in US A diet high in fat, calories, and cholesterol increases its risk Treatment: wt. manage, ex, diet, meds
Arthritis Arthritis is a group of more than 100 different diseases that cause pain and loss of movement Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints in which cartilage breaks down Control wt. Prevent sports injuries Lyme disease (bite of infected tick)
Rheumatoid arthritis Joints may become deformed and cease to function normally Medication: Ex, rest, joint protection, therapy Inflammation of the joint
Other chronic conditions Chronic Fatigue syndrome Down Syndrome Cystic Fibrosis Epilepsy Hemophilia Migraine Multiple Sclerosis Muscular Dystrophy Narcolepsy Parkinson’s Disease Peptic ulcer Sickle-cell anemia