Ray James President Personalised, coordinated care supported by technology in 2025 What would it look like?


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Presentation transcript:

Ray James President Personalised, coordinated care supported by technology in 2025 What would it look like?

Who we are: The Association of Directors of Adults Social Services is a charity. Our objectives include: Furthering comprehensive, equitable, social policies and plans which reflect and shape the economic and social environment of the time Furthering the interests of those who need social care services regardless of their backgrounds and status and Promoting high standards of social care services Our members are current and former directors of adult care or social services and their senior staff.

Distinctive Valued and Personal Early this year ADASS published a report ‘Distinctive Valued, Personal. Why Social Care Matters: The Next 5 Years’ We want to see a system that is protected, aligned, and re-designed around themes of –Personalised services which are more joined- up around the individual. –Good information and advice to enable us to look after ourselves –Building supportive relationships and communities –Maintaining independence

Social Care is Valued

As we all live longer, more people need care and support but resources have fallen with 5 years of funding reductions: £4.6b – 31% of real terms net budgets. As a result social care helps 400,000 fewer people.

Embracing new technology and ways of working: ADASS Better Care Technology Survey 2014 Not currently usingImplementation being considered Currently using Skype consultations 3%71%26% Apps for wellbeing 7%49%44% Social media for older people 12%40%48% Integrated telecare and telehealth 24%28%48% Using personal budgets to fund telecare 32%34% Apps for health care 6%54%40%

Ho 2014 results: Number of community alarm users - average per Council: 4,402 (1.7 million Number of multi sensors telecare users - Average per Council: 1,735 Is there a telehealth service within your area? –61% Yes 33% No 6% Don’t know 2025…..? 2015… Change is rapid…

Telecare users 1.7m Long Service Awards “Fitbit” Big Data (Consent) Transmit & receive Who are your customers – individuals or the state 2025…..? 2015… Change is rapid…

Thoughts on our future Devolved –Place Matters as do the people in it, –“Whole system” place based approaches Integrated –Across Health, Social Care & Other Public Services Personalised –Individuals often the best integrator –Personal Budgets, Integrated Personal Commissioning

Transforming Care for People with Learning Disabilities 12

Safety: enabling people with dementia to live as fully as possible without putting themselves or others at risk Health: supporting people to manage, assess and treat co-morbidities and improve health outcomes Life enhancement: devices or apps to improve the quality of life for people with dementia Dementia Friendly Technology:

Individuals and their carers Engagement, reducing isolation, information, monitoring health, well being and safety, memory support etc Families and communities Co-ordinating activities, alerting and reassuring, prevention and communication Frontline workers Integrated and real time information, professional development resources, expert advice How will Technology feature in a re-designed system?