Parallelism Similar items, similar format = = The Worldwide Web is an excellent place to compose because it allows writers to take advantage of hyperlinks, images, and text. Writerscancreatehyperlinksto connect information. Imagesrepresentallowwriters complex to concepts.Ideascanalso be explainedby writerswithtext.
Parallelism Similar items, similar format = = The Worldwide Web is an excellent place to compose because it allows writers to take advantage of hyperlinks, images, and text. Writers can createhyperlinksto connect information imagesrepresent allow writers complex to concepts ideascanalso be explained by writers with text. insert can also use text to explain ideas.
Parallelism Similar items, similar format = = The Worldwide Web is an excellent place to compose because it allows writers to take advantage of hyperlinks, images, and text. Writers can createhyperlinksto connect information imagesrepresentwriters complex to concepts ideas. canalso writers insert to explainuse text
Parallelism Similar items, similar format = = The Worldwide Web is an excellent place to compose because it allows writers to take advantage of hyperlinks, images, and text. Writers can createhyperlinksto connect information writers concepts can writers imagesrepresent complex to insert ideas. also to explainuse text and,